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Mother Grabber

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Everything posted by Mother Grabber

  1. i’m hearing it’s some guy in florida who works on roofs.
  2. people laughed when he got busted lying on an innerwebz message board to people he will never meet because reasons
  3. that’s what happens when you get a second serving of scallops
  4. what a slacker. he should be in the film room studying defenses. glad he’s not our problem any more.
  5. we may very well win a championship before he does at SF. now wouldn’t that be interesting
  6. the last Panthers game was whacked. they were getting their asses handed to them most of the game, and then made a couple of huge returns late to flip the game on its head, and that was to decide the last playoff spot.
  7. the eight team USFL is done with their regular season, and their 2 game playoffs are this weekend, which include the Meechigan Panthers at 4-6. Moreover, the entire North division ended below .500, spots 1-3 all being 4-6. Oy. Go Panthers, regardless. I guess…
  8. i always wanted to be 6’5”ish so i could add an element of intimidation to anyone who wanted to take my daughters out. guess i’ll have to oil my collection if nasty looking swords when boys happen to stop by.
  9. i can see Dalton being kept on as the emergency QB so he can still practice in more of an advisor role, while the two young guns are the functional 1, 2
  10. on this note, youth sized TB5 jerseys are $17
  11. great to see TMJ blossoming. i wonder how much the WR get energized and more motivated when they know they have a quality QB throwing to them. i can see a young WR being excited to play with a quality QB and work harder to go up and get a ball.
  12. i can see every play taking an hour as they go back and forth with point, counterpoint, counter counterpoint, counter counter counterpoint, etc etc
  13. do you even read the posts you reply to?
  14. it feels like it hasn’t even happened yet
  15. cool. none of that has anything to do with what i said.
  16. not going to feel bad for the millionaire frat boy who’s never worked a hard day in his life being criticized for not being great at the sportsballs
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