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Everything posted by joemac

  1. I really think Carter could step into that starting role if given the chance. He was very impressive last year when he took over for Whitehead, and the defense as a whole was a lot better with him in there. Can Carter play outside, opposite Shaq? Although I guess officially our starting LBs are Shaq, Denzel and Reddick?
  2. Even if Cam says hes 100% healthy he will NEVER have the absolute rocket he used to have for a right arm. Its really sad, as Cam was on the way to a Hall of Fame career with the Panthers. What could have been.....
  3. This guy has hardly been talked about around here at all. He is going to be a great addition to us, and should be starting in the slot week 1.
  4. Seriously...we've got the best RB in the game, a top 10 WR corp, a Top 10 D-Line, the makings of a great secondary...you would think that alone would get us higher than the basement.
  5. I must be extremely biased then because it seems to me that we have studs up and down the lineup on both sides of the ball…
  6. He was 28th last year, yet he lead the NFL in YPC? Damn…I don’t remember him catching many deep passes last year….
  7. I’m sure DJ Moore is in the top 5 since he entered the league too.
  8. Whats with the random picture of Kerry Collins from 1997?
  9. Man, our defense is freaking LOADED all of a sudden. Don't forget Morgan Fox, YGM, and Denzel Perryman are new key additions/returning from injury. Playmakers and first round picks up and down all levels of the D. I am fully expecting us to be one of the top 5 defenses in the league this year. Couple that with the explosive potential of the offense and we really could have a good season this year.
  10. Darnold throwing an interception? Uhhhhh yeah im sure that will happen.
  11. LOL nobody is saying hes not going to throw ANY INTs....and WTF kinda fan are you where your first reaction to your teams QB throwing an interception is to jump on the internet and say "Told you so"? Get a grip, dude.
  12. The most picks Same ever had was 15, and that was his rookie year. His INT numbers have gone down every season. I dont get this narrative that hes some huge, Jameis Winston type turnover machine. He had 11 INTs last year, and 13 the year before. I think he will lower that to around 10 this season.
  13. Cam injuring his shoulder and depriving football fans of what could have been will go down as one of the biggest travesties this city has ever experienced sports-wise. He was on a legit Hall of Fame trajectory, and all that came crashing down because he was forced to sprint the entire length of the field to make a tackle on a turnover.
  14. And we BETTER freaking pay him whatever it takes. Burns is one of the core pieces of this team. You must keep him a Panther no matter what it takes.
  15. I imagine had we been fighting for a playoff spot at the end of the year, he would have been playing.
  16. Him, Burns and a healthy YGM are going to wreck teams this year. We should be near the top of the league in sacks.
  17. Hes a helluva upgrade over Whitehead and Carter, although Carter is a good back/rotational guy.
  18. So if we already had quality players at both offensive tackles positions, you would be cool with trading our 3rd best T, just for the hell of it? Have we not all seen how quickly these guys can go down, and then if you do not have a quality back-up you are completely screwed...
  19. Smart teams DO NOT trade away coveted quality offensive line depth. Just because they bring in a new starter doesn't mean those guys will stay healthy or that they still will not rotate other guys in. What happens if Sewell gets hurt or the other starter goes down? What happens if Sewell sucks?
  20. Why would the Lions want to get rid of quality depth at the offensive tackle position? Especially with a rookie coming in?
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