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Everything posted by Verge

  1. Tinderbox being racist probably
  2. It's my fauly. Sorry yall. So glad Sam has a contract through next year
  3. Back to the bench or something. How depressing.
  4. Our garbage backup center got immediately beat. Hilarious.
  5. Sam will start, I have a hard time seeing CMC doing much if activated.
  6. We already have an overpaid diva receiver that isn't effective.
  7. Thread title could be better for sure.
  8. Almost like that is what happens when you spend an entire draft on defense, draft more defense, and trade for defensive players.
  9. He's been really good actually. You can clearly see him making impact and pressure consistently.
  10. No matter who we sign, they aren't going to start on Sunday.
  11. No idea lol I think someone said that Glazer said Darnold will play next week?
  12. Cam seems like the only logical choice. Too bad egos exist in the NFL.
  13. Past the point of caring. Last week and all week leading up to this has been so depressing. 24-10 Falcons.
  14. I think they both want a franchise QB and can't pay that high of a price without absolute certainty.
  15. Clarity on being suspended or not pretty much.
  16. Because Miami is his preferred destination and he gets to say where he goes.
  17. Not really. -We presented an offer that is ok with both teams -Team wants legal and NFL clarity which they have not gotten from either party. Plus public polling was BAD -Watson appears to prefer Miami so if they remain an option he will choose them. He is okay with Carolina otherwise Things have to clear up before this moves. That is why there was so much buzz about the trade last week, teams thought they'd receive clarity on the Watson situation.
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