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Rocky Davis

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Everything posted by Rocky Davis

  1. Baker and the rest of the Panthers would have to ball out to win a Super Bowl. I still think our O-line is a weakness. I just don't think our D-line is going to hold up well against a team with a strong O-line that 1.) will protect their QB well (our secondary can't lock down receivers forever) and 2.) have a decent to strong running game. Why are we even mentioning Super Bowl?
  2. PJ didn't help his cause tonight, looked pretty bad. Needs to be cut. Good luck on the PS....
  3. Yeah the Panthers social/media team gets at best a C. Really sad for us fans.
  4. He questioned Rivera for keeping guys like Richard Rodgers and Eric Washington around. He also thought KFC had better chicken and biscuits than Bojangles....totally bizarre.
  5. I wouldn't miss Gardiner, Bear, or Marty. I honestly wish we could get rid of all three somehow and sign Necas and Rodrigues. Also, a huge no to Subban.
  6. The actual $$ is less than the $5.46M. They went for Burns to replace DeAngelo.
  7. Keane going to be given a 3rd line opportunity??
  8. Yep, Penguins got a decent deal. He could have made more, but I would have worried at the end of his contract. D-men can fall off quickly.
  9. Regarding the whole Malkin/Letang rumor: Eklund throws things at the wall and sees what sticks 98% of the time. Hockeybuzz isn't reliable at all, I am shocked it is still around.
  10. Yeah, mine as well. It also showed Robbie can actually speak in English or that something traumatic has happened to his brain between then and present day.
  11. I'm feelin' you. What's that bear doing?
  12. Very apparent even in the Pens series. The refs and league are carrying the Rangers to a possible SCF appearance. That NY market is just too good to pass up.
  13. Ah yes, the posts......sometimes the Hockey Gods just aren't with you. That was the case in the Rangers series, but not the reason we lost. I don't know why we didn't have better net front presence on the PP and even 5 on 5. It's like we just moved away from it. Staal has been good at it, someone like Nino would be good, I know Stepan had played net front in his career....it still boggles my mind that he didn't get any playing time in the series, maybe RBA thought he was a step too slow, nagging injury??
  14. I just can't believe the difference in Necas from last season/playoffs to what we saw down the stretch and in these playoffs. I almost have to believe his lack of maturity got the best of him and since he was benched he got a chip on his shoulder and half assed it for the remainder of the year. We don't need that and if Rod and the front office feel the same he has to go. I am just surprised because he never seemed like "that" kind of kid.
  15. We welcome all new Caniacs to the board for discussion. Ask anything and all of us other non-experts will chirp in and try to help you out.
  16. I think the only way we'll know what we have with KK is if he is at C all year. The Canes either struck gold with that OS or they may have poo'd the bed, only time will tell and it will take putting him at C and keeping him at C IMO.
  17. I am also intrigued by your thought on being able to get Chychrun for Necas. I think at this point it would take more than just Necas, and I don't think the Canes want to mortgage the future when they have no huge issues on the blue line.
  18. Agreed. Also, 2.5M for a pretty serviceable 3rd Line Dman is not unreasonable at all. I think Bear will be back and hopefully after 1 year in the system will be better. I don't know if Domi is back, I think it depends on how much he is asking for and can get.
  19. He is one of those players who just doesn't think Carolina is a good landing spot. When he was going to be moved at the trade deadline he was only rumored to be interested in moving to one or two different teams with Florida being his preference. I don't know the team's feelings about KK, but we'll know when either Nino or Tro get signed. If they think he's best at center then Nino is the priority, if they think he can produce at wing then possibly Tro. I would be surprised if they gave up on Necas, but if a deal is out there that the FO thinks is worth it I could see him being included in it. No one has mentioned Drury and I think unless he performs poorly in camp he makes the team next year. Again, our weakness without knowing how Andersen would have performed in the playoffs, is goalie until proven otherwise. That and not having any scoring even on the PP has to be fixed in order for this team to be able to win a Stanley Cup again.
  20. Claude Giroux is not signing with us. Our biggest problem is our goalie situation and our top guys becoming ghosts in the big moments. Biggest thing is upgrading in net....would have loved to seen how we were with Andersen, but he was hurt worse than anyone thought. Refs didn't help either.....on to the next play.
  21. Most of the hockey writers and various other pundits predicting a Rangers win. The Carolina vs. All Y'all is so true. Hope the boys come out buzzing tonight and play well. #LetsGoCanes
  22. Canes have to beat the Rags, the refs, and the national media.....I've said it all along. They should have an "us vs. the world" mentality.
  23. I think Raanta is tired. I would like Freddie back, but not if it is too soon. I also worry about shaking off the rust. TDA hasn't been the same since he got injured. He isn't posing the offensive threat he did earlier in the year. All the talk of the Canes can't win on the road has gotten into the player's heads. They have to rise above all the noise. I'll say it time and again, the Canes have to beat the team in front of them and the refs. The NHL wants a TB/NYR ECF.....people can believe what they want, but more viewers from large/rabid fanbase markets makes Bettman and the NHL happy. #LetsGoCanes
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