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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. So, a franchise QB has to show it.on the field? Who knew?
  2. For the record, I've been watching football all my life. I know where he needs to show it.
  3. Always something right? First ge doesn't have the arm. Then when he does show he has arm, it's only preseason. Get your story straight from the beginning please.
  4. That out route to TMJ is one of the hardest throws to make in the NFL.
  5. Saw the title and immediately said to myself. We'll, no poo. Especially if the writer came to the huddle. 5 minutes of research would be all he'd needed.
  6. For a young man, and coach, he sure feels like he's been here before and knows exactly what it's going to take to win a Championship.
  7. I am surprised with how indifferent I have gotten with the team. Last game I watched in person was that giants game a few years back. What an embarrassment. The last couple of seasons I always start the season watching, but it has gotten to the point where I stop watching, unless the team wins, then I watch it. I stopped watching non-Panther games when I became a father. Just didn't have the time for it, and now I honestly don't have interest in it. I still follow on a daily basis...just I stay busy with my career so it's easy for my to tune out when the season is shot. I don't know about giving up. Hadn't gotten that far I suppose. Yet I'm probably not that far away from it either. I am excited about the talent at running back. I've always loved a good run game and great defenses. I'm so old school. Hard for me to be excited about our pass rush on paper. I pray I'm wrong about that. Funny thing is after 15 plus years, I started playing madden again this last year. I still enjoy playing. Oh the irony. Anyways, I can admit I don't want Young to be failure, but I also haven't seen anything from him that makes me think he will be. Maybe I'm wrong. Who knows. I know I want this team to get back to winning so I don't get to the point where I give up on the team. Life is way more important than the NFL though. If I find the right lady, I can see me just not making the time to watch anymore.
  8. I have serious doubts about this team being watchable this season. It's been several years since they have been watchable. I sincerely want to enjoy watching this team thus season. Otherwise I'm just going check out. I'd prefer not to do that.
  9. Agreed. I actually believe you and I are.more alike than not. Different opinions, different perspectives.
  10. I'll answer this question. Bottom line? He is a Panther. I want to see him succeed. I want to see our team succeed. He was a winner at every level. Good enough that the majority of experts agreed he should have been the 1 overall pick. So excuse me, that I choose to believe in a winner and want to see him succeed. No part of me is ready to throw in the towel on him after last season. Last season was the worst joke in the history of our franchise, and that's saying something. So I am choosing to believe in what got him to the NFL. He may still bust. As many of you never hesitate, saying he's more likely to bust. If the coaching staff and the talent around him come together, I honestly don't see how he can bust. His size is his size. It doesn't mean he can't play. Glad Sam Mills never listen to the nay layers. Glad Steve Smith never listened. Yes, it is an outlier, although he is OUR outlier, so therefore I am going to trust that a kid whom was a winner at every level is going to turn it around. If I'm wrong, you and everybody can toast me supporting a Panther that didn't make it. Until then, let's not pretend his story is already written.
  11. Most of them Don't even get an invite to the combine.
  12. The list of players who had above average physical measurables, and had failed to even secure a backup job, is actually a long list.
  13. You taking what I posted as condescending is really on you. It's certainly not how I wrote it. That is the thing about any communication that is not face to face. Many just take it however they want to take it. So, number 1, stop assuming I'm attacking you. I understand that from previous exchanges you and I have had on this forum, there has been that from both sides. There is no point responding if that's how the exchanges are going to be. I have re-evaluated my take on you, and have been responding differently. Evidently you haven't cared to notice? Whatever the reasoning, let that poo go, otherwise there is no point. As far as providing a comprehensive list of players that represent my perspective, I really have no interest in doing so. That information is easily available. I know you won't like the 2 I list, but I really don't care. Tom Brady. When he was drafted, he wasn't even considered average except his height. Everything else was below average of what is considered the prototyping NFL measurements. His arm strength was never elite in his entire career. Yes, his arm may be stronger than young, but he was never considered elite arm strength.. it was his accuracy and his decisions. Joe Montana Once again we have a player who had less than the prototypical measurements of NFL qb. Drew Brews. Pretty much the same, just didn't win as many championships as the first 2. Yes, I am mentioning NFL Hof Players. The point of doing so, is to prove that physical measurements doesn't limit the player from playing above their measurements. That's it. That's the point people have been harping. There is proof that elite measurables are not needed. As far as my plan? I'm a football fan, so my plan is to enjoy watching him develop and play to his ability, which is what has made him a winner at every level he's ever played. I pray that our very young receiving core can do their part, yet I will still sit back at watch. The potential for the collection of talent to come together and have careers together is actually pretty good. I'm not concerned about Geno Smith. He's not part of the equation. I am confident in Dave Canades. Yes, that may be misplaced, but that's also my choice as a fan. I'm choosing to believe in Dave's ability to show case what made Young a winner to begin with. Perhaps Dave can even get more out of Young than anyone else has. It's certainly a possibility. You choose to believe Young is incapable of winning of the NFL. Who is right or wrong? I honestly don't even care. At this point neither of us are wrong. If you wish to keep belittling me and my perspective, that is on you. Have Blessed Day, man. Truly.
  14. I'm sure it feels that way. Little voice of reason on the huddle these days. Some of the greatest to play were not above average players. I'm not saying get him a gold jacket now. What I am saying is let's watch him develop. He has exceeds his physical limitations his entire life. Being above average authentically doesn't even promise that they can be average at the position. Playing NFL QB isn't just dropping back and chucking the ball. You and others are literally asking for the impossible. He's never going to have elite physical traits. Everyone knew this before he was drafted. After 1 season where the entire offense blew chunks, the bias against his stature is alive in well in way to many fans. Especially from a franchise that have had elite small players.
  15. His arm is fine. No, it's not elite. Not very teams have elite arms. I'll take the kids accuracy or an elite strong arm. His footwork will be fine. Judging it from last year when he couldn't even set his feet is just dumb. He's actually pretty damn agile too. So now I know you don't like him, period. You refuse to be unbiased towards him. That's fine, that's your choice, it also means you're pretty worthless having any Bryce Young conversation.
  16. He wasn't comparing the QBs different talents. He was stating Dave has a history of getting the most out of his QBs. It the fans take that Young size=no ability to play.
  17. You opinion on Jake's piece, aside. Jake is a winner. He also wants what's best for this team. I kind of get tired of hearing, "so and so works for the team, so he can't say anything negative " that narrative is lazy and old. Jake has never been a yes man. He's offer his opinion. Yes, he's not going into detail. Frankly, he shouldn't have to. Bryce Young is a talented winner. That is why he was drafted first overall. He should improve over his first season just with working on himself. The line is improved, and the receiver room is full of talent even though it's young. It's not a stretch to say Young will have a break out season. The stretch would be he sucks in his second season.
  18. Just please help the defense provide a consistent pass rush.
  19. The kid is truly athletic. Perhaps they can make something of him. He made 3 sacks for me in his debut game I played on madden.
  20. I figured he went back to Florida. He's been missing since Brady went to Tampa.
  21. He's more than most deserve. But deserve never has nothing to do with anything.
  22. Yup. Sure fuging sucks to be coached by the owner.
  23. Roster management? Wtfe Ability to make the coaches coach great and together? Wife Ability to make the players execute to the best of their ability? Wtfe
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