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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. You evidently don't know anything about his college play, and the stats of elite receivers that can't produce against him.
  2. I've been watching football far to long to be so neive that a LT fails because of his arm length.
  3. You're not allowed to enjoy the next chapter.
  4. I don't believe Sam's story has been written yet.
  5. I just simply don't agree. The franchise made their decision. It's no different than drafting a kid, except Darnold has 3 years in the grinder known as New York. Whether you think he continues to suck or not is on you. I certainly don't feel Fields could have came in and done well this year. Jones was the more polished of the 2, but inremember ya didn't want his ass either when he was being hotly debated. So now your saying your rather have that, than Sam. When it comes to Sam, I don't have to look at much of his film to see a lot that I like. His issues that he had in NY can be over come and a part of his past. The team made the decision to build around Sam. It's the right decision, even if you are bloody right, and he doesn't work out. As we will have a team to plug in another QB. I'm excited about our offense with Sam. More so than if we had Fields for sure.
  6. I don't worry about arm length. Footwork is first. He has it. He protected Zach Wilson very very well.
  7. I am a fan that wanted one of the top 2 LT's. Fact is, after that, there was a huge drop off. Once in the 2nd round, there isn't enough difference between what went ahead of us and what we ended up getting in the 3rd. I can easily argue that Christianson is as good as anybody we could have gotten in the 2nd, and is a better fit for this team since our coach staff prefer their linemen to be able to play multiple positions across the line. So go ahead, keep your way to early low score on the draft. Go ahead, thump your chest about what you think. While the Panthers will just.move on with what they got.
  8. Every poor draft review of our draft is written by a Fields fan boy. Hard to take a biased perspective seriously.
  9. I'd like him here, although I will not hold.my breath.
  10. Dude, a lot of players, including starters play special teams. Want to keep playing?
  11. To enjoy yLking about our team. Evidently you have other motives.
  12. I may end up being wrong about this, but I believe Darnold will win all of you over. I also feel the floor for the Panthers season is 10 wins.
  13. I don't even care about that pick or others. I don't. I also believe we won't be drafting in the top half of any draft for a long time.
  14. This is my opinion. If ya don't like it, oh well. I believe when it comes to a teams draft board, it won't look like anybody else's. Certainly not any fans. The team has done more homework than any of us can possibly imagine, and they have their own values on these kids, regardless if the succeed or fail. If you believe that a certain player is your guy, you don't wait for him to fall where others think he'll fall, you grab him when you have the opportunity to and it lines up with your value of the kid. Not anybody else. Tommy Tremble. he is our guy. and all of you are going to love what this monster is gonna do..
  15. A LOT to like about this team. We won't be drafting this high again for a long time.
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