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Everything posted by stan786

  1. Us playing him after he initially hurt it during that Chargers game when it was the end of the season with nothing left to play for drove me up a wall, then we waited to perform the surgery. No surprise Vermillion is in prison, should have been arrested for what he cleared Cam to do.
  2. As much as I'd love Pataullo and Johnson we'd probably only be able to get one as I doubt the eagles let them both interview here unless it was for a promotion and in that case it would need to be something like Pataullo OC and Johnson QB/Passing Game Coordinator or something. Pataullo taking a demotion probably doesn't work.
  3. Sure and that is what i'm saying, historically those 3-4 DL tend to come quite a bit cheaper than what you would need to spend to get another pass rusher. I dont think our team is built perfectly for either the 4-3 or 3-4 i'm just saying we will have an easier time playing to our strengths in a 3-4 and the holes will be cheaper to fill.
  4. Yeah I never mentioned Roy and McCall for a reason, I agreed we had to sign a NT and build some depth but as I said I think that's easier than what we were doing with playing small Edges at 4-3 ends. Anderson is just a cheap natural resigning. In a 4-3 we'd need to find another couple ends if we really wanted to run it because Haynes and Barno arent a real fit there, YGM has been fine but nothing special. You can run Luvu and Burns at OLB and rotate in speed rushers that we do have in the 3-4. I'd also try and move YGM but not sure what you can get for him.
  5. I disagree a bit, mainly I think the majority of our Edge Rushers are built to play much better in a 3-4 other than YGM. I agree that NT and depth on the three DL spots are a need but also those tend to be spots you can bring in serviceable players for reasonable deals. I would argue that Anderson and Brown make find Ends in the scheme, and there are some good NT available in FA this offseason that generally dont come that expensive. So I feel like its just a trade from having small ends for a 4-3 to having to find a NT for a 3-4, and pass rushers are much harder to find generally.
  6. Honestly I think our personnel on the whole are a better fit for a 3-4 look than a 4-3 at the moment. I'm pretty excited to see what Evero can do with Burns.
  7. Sure, but you don't ignore good process just because a coach is new. If the head coach likes a QB and the team needs a QB you go get the QB as that's the most important position in the sport.
  8. You'll wait for what? We dont get to make any of these decisions. Reich was hired so he could fix the QB position. If he doesn't he'll probably get the axe like most coaches who fail at what they were hired for. He definitely wasn't paid to draft a LB with the 9th pick and skip QB because the internet doesn't like a certain one.
  9. Who said we would draft a bad one? I trust Reich to decide who is good and bad over people on this board. If we draft them then we clearly think they are good enough to be our QB of the future. The report says Reich and Company may like Levis the most, I may have other opinions on Levis but they were hired to fix the QB situation and if that's the way they decide to do it great. End of day drafting a QB unlocks a plethora of benefits including the ability to bolster other positions by leveraging his Rookie deal, along with the majority of the time QB stability for at least a few years as he proves out his abilities. Reich was brought in to fix the QB position, I'll trust him until he screws it up.
  10. Sounds like how most teams fail. QB the most important spot. I trust Reich to identify and develop a good one. Having a stable QB on a rookie deal let’s you build depth and talent because you aren’t sending picks and overpaying for bad QBs like us and the Colts have done for years. If the guy isn’t it you’ll know by year 3-4 but the plan isn’t for him to fail necessarily. Hell the Eagles got panned for taking Hurts when people still thought Wentz was good but they know good process and understand until you know a guy is the one you’ve always gotta be panning for gold. Very few teams QB purgatory and stay relevant for large periods of time.
  11. Whoever Reich wants I don't care. If he fails draft another one in three years. Keep taking shots till you find the one.
  12. I think there is a difference between accepting its time to rebuild and trading their QB somewhere he wants to go like Stafford or a Brady/Rodgers situation where they actively want out and a situation where the team is the one that wants to move on from a guy. Teams dont cut bait with good QBs just because.
  13. I have a bigger problem with it here mainly because the reason Tepper needed a new coach and the reason Reich was available were because they both failed trying to fix the QB position with these types of QBs. Would show an inability to learn that would be far more frightening to me than anything related to how average Carr really is.
  14. Its a Divisional Round ceiling move in my eyes. Better than what we've had but not the way I'd personally prefer to build the team. Cousins is a good comp and you'll see the Vikings trying to figure out how to upgrade that position really soon and its going to be a challenge.
  15. Carr to the Saints doesnt really scare me all that much, feels like a bandaid on a really rough situation. We need to get a QB regardless but i'd be more worried if the saints wanted to lean into being bad. Ideally the Bucs, and Saints try and stay competitive for a bit longer giving us a bigger head start before they finally realize they need to tear it down.
  16. That Cohost is a pretty good avatar for the general national perception of what was thought to be going on vs what was actually going on. Even the guys hosting a podcasts dont care enought to be informed about the team but want to push a narrative.
  17. I would agree with the caveat historically first round QBs hit at a much higher rate on the whole. But like you said earlier it’s based on a number of variables and that’s true even after they are drafted. Corral got slapped with a bad lame duck coach and a brutal injury, which definitely isn’t an indictment on him but it’s just a lot to work out of sadly. I agree completely with your last statement I don’t really care who it is I just hope we figure it out soon. I really hope Corral can make a statement this offseason and force a spot on this roster and we can see how development takes them.
  18. Yeah that's interesting. I feel like recently I just remember him for the Chargers defensive decline and then jumping to a few different coaches that got fired the year he got there. That and I know his defenses generally don't generate a ton of turnovers. I do think his system would be a natural fit and would work with the players we have though. End of the day I'm just happy we have our Offensive System in place and I'll be open minded to whoever we end up with as DC.
  19. I personally haven't been very impressed by what he's done recently, seems to be riding on his Seahawks reputation a bit.
  20. I mean using college stats would just be attempting to prove a correlation to upside with college stats when there aren’t. That Lane Kiffin offense is as friendly as they come I’m also not mentioning Hendon Hooker’s stats when I’m talking about upside. You’ve also ignored me saying I liked him coming out and hate he got dealt a bad hand. Please tag me and let me eat crow if Corral stays healthy and wins the starting job sounds like a lovey dream, but I of course live in reality where the chances of that happening are pretty minuscule. Always happy to eat a nice crow dinner though.
  21. Yeah I will be interested to see who he wants and what our play is there. I personally think a move up to like 5 is probably what ends up happening. Just more saying I don’t think Corral is going to be his initial answer.
  22. How so? Generally the one truth of the NFL Draft is Draft Capital generally matters a great deal. I have said above that I hope Reich can develop him because I like a lot of the tools he has, but the team made their level of commitment to him under another Head Coach. Reich is going to want his guy. Corral is not going to have the appropriate time to be able to make an impact before we draft a First Rounder in all probability. Most teams prefer to have a veteran presence behind/competing with their First Round Pick. Corral will be at best the 3rd QB on the roster and will have the least invested in him by Reich, if Corral can prove something in the preseason we may hold onto him but more than likely with the way the NFL goes we arent going to want to hold that roster spot for a 3rd QB and he'll be cut or on the practice squad. These are all just basic truths of the NFL. I was pro taking Corral when we did and I hate he didnt get a fair shake because of that unfortunate major injury but he's facing a gigantic uphill battle. If we are talking about NFL upside Richardson and Levis both have significantly better arms and are much bigger and athletic. CJ Stroud is a much more accurate passer and much closer to being an NFL QB and has better size. Bryce Young has elite traits everywhere but size. All of these guys indeed have more upside than Corral.
  23. Corral may not even make the team lmao. Depends on if we want to carry three QBs in the season. This is hilarious, I didnt realize we had the worlds biggest Corral fan on the board. Corral was a fine prospect to take a chance on in the third round, but hes small, injury prone, comes from a simple offense, doesn't have elite arm strength, can barely take a snap under center. That player does not have the upside of these guys, and the one QB thats smaller than him is a better QB in ever single facet. To say he has the same upside is insane.
  24. Corral does in no way shape or form have as much upside as any of the top 4 QBs in this class. That is just silly.
  25. Tyreek was like a 180 lb RB/WR Tweener and Hardy had some questionable athleticism and struggled with production/injuries as his career went on they both had other issues that brought them down than just character. There were definitely a ton of variables with Corral but he had issues with Talent, Size, Character (Feel lt was overblown), and NFL readiness coming from the Offense he did. QBs with worse "Character" concerns then him have gone much earlier than he did. While it dinged him there is no way it was a full two rounds in that QB class. People were trying to convince themselves on all the QBs that offseason. Corral is someone who I hope Reich can spend some time developing because I like a lot of what he brings to the table, but he should never be someone we make active plans around right now. Reich had multiple chances to draft him on a Colts team that could have used some QB talent last year, he's not going to sign off on him being his QB this year. Ideally we can trade him for something good in a year or two.
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