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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. That is the ugly reality we may have to deal with. How bad does it have to get for Tepper to get over himself. 29 years sounds very possible.
  2. Or whoever Tolbert says to use. He needs help desperately. The whole 'fail miserably until you fall backwards into something good apraoch' isn't going well.
  3. Tepper needs help to even make a simi decent hire moving forward. Someone to inject some stability into his process. It's doable but he would have to change his habits and so far it's been a ton of the same BS with different names.
  4. I couldn't tell Cam's personality when he was drafted. The talent was obvioysly there but I didn't know which way he would break with who he was but I also thought his competition was just awful in that draft. He turned out to be a great guy and it was obvious early. I never had confidence in Bryce. I don't watch college ball and IDGAF about it past the draft prospects. It's a sloppy and boring game to me but I also get why people find it entertaining. He just looked like a guy who would bust in the NFL. His physical tallent damn sure should have been in question along with the combine opt-outs. He could make reads but there was nothing else there for me. His escabability looked pedestrian, fine for that level but not the NFL.
  5. Trust the process... That is so much worse then just plain bad. How do you make Jordan look serviceable. Even for a rookie that's just so awful.
  6. Please just ask for a trade so we can bring all of that to an end. I have no idea why he wouldn't at this point.
  7. He was a free agent. He did this to himself. I feel bad for the guys on rookie deals and that's about it.
  8. And Tepper almost netted Watson but the Browns bit that bullet. What if is a bad game to play with this team.
  9. Maybe. He is just a sad blah. Plus most of the people that were hyping him will soon be tearing into him. IDK, he is so forgettable if you are not a panthers fan.
  10. Honestly he is more forgettable than anything. That's Johnny Football territory. They will roll his name out for draft stuff but I doubt most will remembwr him in 10 years. 'He looks a little too much like Young for me to feel good about taking this kid in the first round'...
  11. Start firing now and hire someone to hold his hand and teach him how to do the most basic stuff because there is no reasons to not blow this turd up at this point. Clean out the FO and have it ready to hire new people by the end of the year. That is the best I could hope for from Tepper so it won't happen.
  12. But it's all the lines fault... That last sack it was obvious he couldn't step up. It's all so obvious but tell me his height isn't an issue. He doesn't have the wheel to Murray it and the line doesn't gap in the NFL like it did in school for him to run up and toss it away so here we are.
  13. Bryce brings very little to the table if you look at his play. It's that simple. Trevor looked talented his first year and Bryce does not. It's night and day, it's not struggling but just lacking enough positives or ability. Trevor struggled and Bryce is failing, there is a difference and you can't see or comprehend it.
  14. He is struggling with everything but keep pretending this is just normal stuff. The other rookies are making more of their struggles while Young looks like a guy who shouldn't have been drafted in the first round let alone the #1 pick. Lawrence struggled but looked extremally talented his rookie year with the worst HC of the decade so far, Young looks like a dud from top to bottom.
  15. It's a credit hit to walking away from the contract but that isn't enough to stop me from walking if they bring this pooshow back for a token 2nd year.
  16. I have been trying to sell all offseason and I got 1 email about questions. I am moving it to practically free to see if I can move them before next year. I'm fine with walking away at this point. I just want to see what it feels like when I have zero money in any of this mess.
  17. You are goibg to need more magic wands. Poo rolls down hill. We have an owner problem 1st and the rest is just part of that.
  18. That was my guess going into the year with the moves they made. It's not virgin territory in the NFL. Until they do and not talk about stuff I call BS. I would never have been so happy to be proven wrong but all signs point to that. The trade up to #1 has been the kind of move Tepper has tried to make since his second year so none of this was shocking, the path or outcome, unfortunately. He doesn't even seem to have any blind luck. This is looking like one of the worst NFL teams in the league and there is no end in sight
  19. Crowd the box and get pressure for the win. Anyone that can't see that doesn't deserve a win.
  20. Going to have to hire a GM that sets up what a decent HC wants so they take the job...and yeah they will probibly be overpaid to boot.
  21. Looks like the S2 is already proving they need to create another test because this one isn't looking football valuable as the last one
  22. He looks like he could finish top 5 in that race. Tough competition though
  23. The critisism is valid and deserved. It stinks for him that people really bad at their jobs picked him so high which will result in him taking a beating from fans and the media but he is being paid better for it. There really doesn't look to be an upside with him either so I expect it will remain ugly and he will get a second shot somewhere with much less pressure eventually.
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