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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. No doubt that’s true, but it’s going to be tough to do when 20-30% of the population is a homeless shelter.
  2. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/03/25/where-is-the-u-s-government-getting-all-the-money-its-spending-in-the-coronavirus-crisis/
  3. I could see a situation where an infected animal(s) from that lab got loose somehow. Their secrecy around this thing seems overboard if it’s not an attempted cover up.
  4. Dr. Scott Jensen, a Minnesota family physician who is also a Republican state senator, told "The Ingraham Angle" Wednesday that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) guidelines for doctors to certify whether a patient has died of coronavirus are "ridiculous" and could be misleading the public. Host Laura Ingraham read Jensen the guidelines, which say: "In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID cannot be made but is suspected or likely (e.g. the circumstances are compelling with a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as 'probable' or 'presumed.'" https://www.foxnews.com/media/physician-blasts-cdc-coronavirus-death-count-guidelines
  5. Sure, but does the virus persist in the body and remain contagious for weeks on end? I haven’t seen anything about that. I didn’t realize you were in CO. Anyway, Im just saying if they all feel confident that their exposure has been limited via self isolation then they are prob ok. Who knows though. Just playing devils advocate.
  6. Eh...if everyone there has been isolated for the past three weeks, the odds of spreading anything are really low.
  7. In terms of our overall medical system, yes we have more capacity. We should do a better job of level loading that capacity, but that is another topic.
  8. He’s a Rah Rah coach. What do we expect?
  9. Thought this was interesting. I heard the numbers around ventilators per capita are similar.
  10. What did Dabo say? I know many college programs would be in dire financial trouble if a season (with full stadiums) doesn’t happen.
  11. Yep, there is no way in hell my wife and kid are getting a vaccine that hasn’t been through significant clinical trials. Yes, I know that would take years.
  12. I still think there are ways brick and mortar can adapt to lower the risk. Require masks. Limit the # of customers in the store, setting up shopping appointments, putting cashiers behind plastic, etc. It’s doable for many businesses.
  13. Interesting graphic. It looks like Covid is now the leading cause of death in the US https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/1853362/
  14. Yeah, let’s get the political name calling out of here. Back to discussion... Considering everything we didn’t know, the lockdowns made sense. A total economic and social lockdown is not sustainable though. We need a plan to mitigate the risk as much as we can for when people go back to work.
  15. Ok. Correct, it would not have been the same. What makes this dangerous is our lack of a vaccine and lower natural immunities. Yes, this would not be an event if we had either of those. Let’s hope a vaccine comes soon.
  16. Where did I say that?
  17. Come on man. Tens of millions of people get the flu every year. If tens of millions got this, what do you think the death toll would be? The social distancing measures are working. Lower fatalities (due to social distancing) does not not mean corona is analogous to the flu.
  18. Thanks. It’s not unsafe. It’s just not a risk free drug. Of course, those risks are small in contrast to people not being able to breath. Giving this drug to those with mild symptoms might not be a great idea though.
  19. You don’t need a prescription to get it in India so people there have been scooping it up because there is a possibility it may help. The ban seems like a protective measure in case there is substance to claims the drug works.
  20. The issue is the drug is #1 toxic and not something you want to give people without clear cause. #2 In short supply and needed by people with other conditions. #3 There is no clear data that it is actually helping. I think most people would love for it to work. They just don’t like the president making people believe that it is going to solve this issue when it might not do anything.
  21. I’ll say one thing, if this thing leads to remote work becoming much more common, people are going to leave these big cities in droves. Rural areas are going to see a big population increase. The high cost of living, taxes, and now increased risk of death, will not make these areas worth it.
  22. Well, these early comments aged well....
  23. Not shutting down mass transit is next level stupid.
  24. My friend is a nurse in Seattle. They were anything but ready for this. His hospital had 6 masks for the entire hospital when this started. They still don’t have enough PPE. The only place that could handle testing was the university of Washington. For a while, they were closing on the weekends. Total WTF stuff.
  25. NC looks to be flattening out quite a bit. We’ll see.
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