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Everything posted by Black&BlueBubba

  1. I would like Willis at 6 and bring in Cam to mentor him for a year.
  2. This made my damn year!!!! Suck it Ain’ts and Falcunts.
  3. Well done. I like the foreman pickup. I want some power run game. And having to throw the damn ball from the 2 yd. line because we can’t run the damn ball.
  4. Looks like my Sundays just got freed up for other things. Let the Tankathon begin.
  5. Love how straight Zane kicks the ball. Almost Justin Tucker like. Fit found a gem there.
  6. Bucs, Aints, And the Falcunts lost today. A win would put us right back in the thick of things.
  7. Abdullah with a Texas route. Makes CMC jealous. likkng what he brings
  8. There you go. He will carry that one for a long time. WTF. Hope the young man progresses quickly.
  9. I did see that. We need a. Gif on that. He was a turnstile. But at this point we are not making the playoffs. I would keep him out there to gain experience. We have nothing to loose.
  10. I’m with you Jaxel. Espe after the first couple games. I was like “ see he just needed new team and coaching. Man was I wrong. The issue is not only do we need a QB but also need an OL. I said it 2 years ago when ther was the dearest OL class in years. And we ended up drafting 7 defensive players. Now we are paying for it.
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