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Everything posted by PanthersATL

  1. But other than a few people who like the nostalgia of it, nobody new cares for Stand and Cheer...
  2. Something a little lighthearted? The Oral History of The Office is an interesting look behind the scenes of what it took to conceive, write, produce, film the TV show.
  3. I liked American Gods (especially in combination with the Starz series). Quick background: it's a battle between the "old gods" (like... REALLY old, like Odin) and the "new gods" (technology, media) in the battle for Americans' devotion. And since the Starz program was cancelled after three seasons before getting to the final portion of the story, you can't rely on TV to give you that closure that the book will give you. Which... could be interpreted as the battle between "old god (books)" vs the "new god (TV)". Anyway, I found it a good read
  4. Probably because the producer was in his ear, yelling “SAY ON THE AIR! ON THE AIR! KILL THE CALL! KILL THE CALL!”
  5. quick typing during the segment.... =+=+=+== What are the pitfalls in the schedule? schedule starts out pretty good but November is a pain..end of season is brutal. If they can go 500 to the middle of the season that’ll be good, but not a playoff team this season this team has vastly improved, but the Panthers are likely either 2 or 3 this season. But once sam is comfortable in the scheme and gets off to a fast Start... will be a battle with the saints for 2nd place. carolina has a chance to be 8-8 instagram poll says 9-10 wins this season. If we can get 10 we have a shot.
  6. Positive comments on Sam. Coming up, a look at the Panthers in the conference
  7. Piece on Sam Darnold coming up after the break, as they look at some QB stuff.
  8. He does (did?) put on a decent sing-a-long concert. So did Kenny Rogers, for that matter.
  9. It's sung to celebrate wins in Ghana! But more importantly, it's still a thing
  10. For Super Bowl odds, the top of the list I have is... Chiefs 5/1 Packers 10/1 Bills 11/1 Bucs 7/1 Seattle 20/1 (dropped from 12/1 in January) Bottom of the list is Jets 125/1 Bengals 125/1 Lions 125/1 Texans 125/1
  11. The lastest William Hill-provided odds for the Panthers. Your local sportsbook may have different odds, so shop around if that's your thing. NFC Championship: 30/1 (opened at 35/1 in January) NFC South: +750 Super Bowl: 50/1 (opened at 75/1 in January)
  12. If anyone has solid "here's how to buy a car/price negotiation" advice, would love to hear it.
  13. Always recommend keeping a car for at least 10 years. The longer you can go without having a car payment to make, the better off you'll be. (And even in those months when you have no official car payment, make that payment to yourself into some savings/investment place that you would utilize for the next car purchase) Used is almost always going to be more cost-effective than new. Some have suggested never buying the first year of a new model or redesign. Let them work out the kinks before you buy in. Personally, I like buying the original extended car warranty from the dealer, but that may not be the best use of $$ vs dealing with individual repairs and maintenance. A lot depends on how long you intend to keep the vehicle. If you're planning on keeping it for a long time, then an extended warranty may be worth the investment for peace of mind.
  14. If this gives you some idea about negotiation. if you're doing a trade-in, the wholesale data that I've seen suggests that the spread between trade-in price and what the dealer will sell it at retail is $8k-10k for "newer" models, and anywhere from $3k-5k for "older" models. Much depends on condition of the car and overall demand for that particular model. (example pick-up trucks aren't in high demand in the northeast, so they may be priced more to get off the lot than they are for profit) Dealers will also be more apt to lowball the trade-in if it's a car that they'd have to take to auction to get rid of rather than being able to sell in their own internal dealer system. Auctions will cost the dealer a minimum price to sell it, so they need to keep their investment in the deal down. There are positives about selling your car directly to CarMax or any other dealer that does a "guaranteed price" deal. You may end up getting more than you thought it was worth vs going through the hassle of selling it yourself via Craigslist or other method. Example: Had a 12-year old import with some miles on it - needed a new paint job, air conditioning didn't work, the electrical system needed some review (auto windows wasn't always happy; doors would lock automatically, whether you wanted them to or not). It was getting to be on its last legs, maintenance-wise. CarMax offered $5k for it. For us, that was a no-brainer to accept. Had a 14-year old SUV with about 175k miles. The sunroof leaked (ducktaped!) and the air conditioner didn't work. The thing ran great, but just had some quirks that needed some attention I couldn't give it. CarMax offered $250 (their minimum). Found someone to buy it for $1000 cash instead. Seemed like a good deal at the time.
  15. The used car industry is crazy right now, in part because of the pandemic -- people who normally would use Uber/Lyft/Public Transport decided that it was safer to have their own vehicle rather than grab rides with strangers. This put a strain on the used car market, causing available inventory to plummet. And now that travel is picking back up, the rental car agencies are finding themselves scrambling to buy new cars to rebuild their fleets. Just like the insane housing prices right now, I don't know if I'd recommend buying a car "just because" vs "because you need one". That said, if you do purchase a vehicle, stay away from the 7 and 8 year loans. Try to stick with the 4-5 year loans if you need to go down the loan path. Those 8 year loans may make your monthly payments super-cheap, but it'll put you underwater in the vehicle equity for quite a long time.
  16. What everyone else has said.... but let me throw in this: London in 2019 Wandering around the city, no matter where you went (and we wandered A LOT), you were never too far from running into other Panthers fans also celebrating a bit of vacation combined with supporting the team.
  17. They seem to be doing pretty okay, if this video is any indication of what normal is like in the CMC/Culpo household (from Sept 2020, but still) I mean, CMC does seem super happy to have puppy all over his face. https://www.tmz.com/videos/2020-09-28-092820-olivia-culpo-4858367/
  18. For those who can't click over to the Maxim article, here's the competition:
  19. Sophia Culpo vs Olivia Culpo The 2019 Maxim Hot 100 beauty and her model sister are dating Carolina Panthers running back Christian McCaffrey and New York Jets wide receiver Braxton Berrios, respectively. https://www.maxim.com/sports/olivia-culpo-and-sister-sophia-reveal-rivalry-over-nfl-boyfriends
  20. Average retirement savings by age group https://www.marketwatch.com/story/here-are-the-average-retirement-savings-by-age-is-it-enough-2020-11-16 Under 35: $30k 35-44: $132k 45-54: $255k 55-64: $408k 65-74: $426k The median numbers are much much lower. These figures are only those who reported having retirement savings. In 2019, only about half of families did.
  21. I keep reading the articles on MoneyWatch and CNBC about Fidelity or Schwab's annual "state of retirement in the US" reports, where they keep saying that the vast majority of people in certain age groups have little/no retirement savings at all. For them especially, 15% would be incredible.
  22. sounds like your company has a lousy 401(k) plan. That's on them, not you.
  23. Serious question: Can someone explain to me *why* someone would want to invest in cryptocurrency (any crypto) vs putting the same money into a traditional investment product? I recall someone saying that crypto pricing isn't really tied to any particular financial data, but is solely based on supply/demand/what someone else will pay for it. Which isn't really an "investment" as much as it is shuffling deck chairs around / a glorified eBay. Using dogecoin as an example, as others have said here earlier, the fact that its price seems connected to Elon's tweets isn't exactly a good or predictable business model.
  24. Regarding buy-and-hold vs buy/sell strategies (I can't find the article to provide the link, but I'll paraphrase what I recall) The story/article goes that there was a couple that was investing into their own individual portfolios. SHE had a financial advisor that would tell her when to buy and sell stocks (for sake of this story, let's say that these transactions took place once a year) HE did not have a financial advisor, but also bought the same stocks that HER advisor was suggesting. The difference is that HE didn't sell. He only bought and held. After a significant number of years passed, both portfolios had done well. The difference was that HER portfolio didn't take advantage of big market moves, and was significantly smaller than HIS portfolio ended up being. (I recall numbers similar to $700,000 vs $2.5m .... but am very likely wrong here) The point of that particular story is that (sometimes) it's better to buy and hold for years rather than months, in order to ride out business/economic changes. =-=- Disclaimer: As always, your own investment experience and knowledge may contradict the above scenario. This is not financial advice. Please consult a physician if your investment lasts longer than four hours. Past results are no indication of future results. Do not bend, fold, or mutilate.
  25. What? (checks notes) Hadn't seen that news yet, thanks for sharing. A dividend cut due to spinning off a major part of their business makes sense. That it's a 50% cut is a bit dramatic, but also seems appropriate -- although the spinoff company could come with a dividend of its own (of some sort) to provide a bit of balance to T shareholders who hold through the event and receive shares in the new company. I think maintaining that 7% div yield was not sustainable in the long run.... so if that 50% cut brings them back to a 4% yield range... that's in line with what VZ is offering, and by itself still isn't horrible compared to other long-term income-producing investments.
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