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Moo Daeng

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Everything posted by Moo Daeng

  1. This info is in regards to the Texans decisions. So....I don't see the relevance of Watson/Saleh connection or market size to the decision making of the Texans. In short, the Texans logic here is not connected to Watson's desires.
  2. He did a respectable job at the least this past season. There's not reasonable way to draw real conclusions at this point beyond that. Anybody saying anything else is just doing so for a reaction.
  3. Good morning David Duke. The people in the situation you mentioned wore masks.
  4. This is when it starts fore everyone. This isn't anything new.
  5. Accuracy of mocks drafts are irrelevant. They elicit a response and clicks. That's the only reason for them.
  6. https://radfordathletics.com/sports/2008/12/2/MarketingPromotion
  7. Anything not related to the football operations. AKA Business, Community Interface, etc. Seems straightforward.
  8. I wanted to say they were reckless in regards to the trophy but realized how un sacred it really is. The celebrations are reckless however
  9. Its just their trophy. It's not some ancient one of a kind artifact. They drop it some yahoo will dive for it.
  10. We cant accept mediocrity! Let's accept a different version of mediocrity!
  11. Twitter sure is a mechanism for silly drama, gossip, misinformation.
  12. Seems from talk this morning is that Colts and Bears think they are asking way too much and a deal was never that close. These trade scenarios have become absurd.
  13. It's kind of weird how angry people get about sports radio.
  14. Charlotte audience the past 10 years seems to love or hate based on one thing. If you didn't kiss Cams ass or r were ever critical a large portion would despise you. Its like politics instead of sport.
  15. It must be personal with you. I have no issue with him and find him better than most there. I don't need a day full of homers blowing sunshine.
  16. like Walmart UNC fans who feed everyone constant homerism?
  17. A Covid outbreak would a sympathetic and understandable scenario. I suppose their could be some others that qualify for that as well. Though based on history it's plausible that it's just more amateur BS drama.
  18. Yeah. I don't dislike Mac. He seems to be very well liked by all personally. However, the show did nothing for me. It was just a radio rehash of arguments on Twitter and the places like the Huddle. Too much of sports radio is just echoing social media instead of leading with informative content.
  19. Sport Radio is mostly pretty annoying and I find their lineup on par. I'm not commenting on the actual radio guys but that place always seems to have been run by amateurs. They change thing way too often. They used to have guys miss their shows for dental appointments.....when they are on air for like 3 hours in the day. Just seemed so easy to schedule around like anyone else on earth would do.
  20. I believe the comment is in regards to how much elite qbs command. It makes sense and it also makes sense to discuss how it makes it difficult to add all the quality pieces around them needed.
  21. How did he compare to other QBs? It should be no surprise he was usually the highest on his team.
  22. All thee guys making huge money are unhappy. Poor them. He sure wouldn't be happy to come here if that's his reason. Whatever the situation is now would only be made worse by the actions of obtaining him.
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