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About razorwolf

  • Birthday April 8


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    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Unlikely but when it’s time to pick I wish BPA would correlate with a team need. But when it come to LB if Jr. Colson or Payton Wilson falls into 3rd round I’d strongly consider making one of them for that pick.
  2. Trade Idea: Should Houston Texans Pursue Panthers Defensive Tackle Derrick Brown? Could Derrick Brown go to the Houston Texans in free agency with his rookie contract expiring? https://www.si.com/nfl/texans/news/houston-texans-trade-derrick-brown-carolina-panthers I read this article. Hopefully the front office isn’t crazy enough to even consider something to this extent or hear any nonsense like this. He was the 2nd most tackler last year for the team only behind Luvu who we was unable to re-sign. I haven’t had a lot of second guessing with the three amigos just a couple that I wish we could’ve re-signed.
  3. I don’t agree on Coleman; I would say if Adonai Mitchell is available the team should take him. Instead of drafting Braelon Allen; I’d draft a CB if Khyree Jackson or Elijah Jones if available. 5th round: Ben Sinnott, TE and ?(WR/CB, or ED if you haven’t drafted one yet). Then draft Drake Nugent, C in the 7th round.
  4. My Mock Draft 2024 (IMO) (33) Adonai Mitchell, WR (39) Chris Braswell, Edge (65) Payton Wilson, LB (101) Khyree Jackson, CB (141) Beaux Limmer, C (142) Dallin Holker, TE (240) Cornelius Johnson, WR
  5. 33: Adonia Mitchell, WR (Texas)* 39: Chris Braswell, Edge (Alabama)* Tyler Nubin, S (Minnesota)* Kamari Lassiter, CB (Georgia)
  6. Luvu is the best second-level presence, and better than at least 2/3 of the roster. Panther front office must make a concerted effort to extend Luvu. His consistently has been incredible and excemplary. His ability to factor into the entire defense, and his leadership skills has made him a cornerstone of the defensive plan. Not re-signing Luvu would be sending the wrong message to the rest of the team and the whole league.
  7. Hopefully their releasing these players to make it possible to give Frankie Luvu a new contract, and start signing players to fill the holes with players in needed positions!
  8. I have read several post, and have found Nicole is between 53-64. I found a couple sites that she was born in 1959, which makes her 64. I have heard that she had been working at Appaloosa before they was married, but that may not be correct may have been a spoof.
  9. https://biographytrend.com/nicole-bronish/?darkschemeovr=1
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