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Everything posted by WarPanthers89

  1. We very well could be the most boring team in the NFL. The game just started and I’m already over the game.
  2. Sean Peyton will tank this season to get the number 1 overall pick and get rid of Mr. UNLIIIIIIIMITED. I’m calling it now
  3. CMC and Moore would do a lot to help our offensive issues right now. It sucks having to play the what if game, but trading Burns as part of that package seems like it would have been the better choice right now and we prob would have had to trade away less picks with a player like him.
  4. Go ahead and lock this one, but damn this place is tough to check anymore. Today alone we have a thread about Baker winning the Super Bowl and Young being a bust, one about a guy being at the “mid point” in life and how we may never win a Super Bowl, and one about head coaching candidates when we are two games into the season. It’s Thursday and I am as tired as everyone else of sucking, but these threads are making it tough to come to the site anymore because it is a pool misery.
  5. I thought mods were cutting down on these random threads where people are complaining? It feels like we get a post like this every time he has a feeling/thought about the team.
  6. “Peyton Manning might be among the four or five best quarterbacks to ever live. He also threw a league-high 28 interceptions and went 3-13 his rookie year. Joe Burrow was 2-7-1 and was sacked 32 times in 10 games. Josh Allen completed 52.8 percent of his passes, with 10 touchdowns and 12 picks, and was 5-7 as a rookie.” Good quote to keep things into perspective. I’m still tired of seeing soft ass panther teams since 2018 but I’m not freaking out about Young. He will be fine, and he’s a rookie who just finished his second game. Everyone else on the team has no excuse.
  7. Sign this man to an extension right now….before Burns even. This is what this team needs. We haven’t shown fight in years and need some grown ass bullies instead of the soft ass teams we have had since 2018
  8. Take it for what it’s worth. Some conversation concerning our loss last night before we close the books and move on tomorrow: The Saints offense is a work in progress with new quarterback Derek Carr, but they are able to work out the kinks with a 2-0 record thanks to their defense. After holding the Titans without a touchdown in Week One, the unit kept the Panthers out of the end zone until the end of the fourth quarter of Monday’s 20-17 win. They held the Panthers to 164 yards before that final 75-yard drive, sacked Bryce Young four times and recovered a fumble after the Panthers quarterback lost the ball on one of them. Carr and the offense didn’t get much going in the first half, but finally connected on a couple of big plays in the second half that led to the touchdowns that made them winners in Charlotte. When the game was over, Carr praised the defense for giving the offense time to find its groove. “That is a very big part of the reason why I came here,” Carr said, via a transcript from the team. “Any team that I talked to was a team with a defense. I played these guys. I knew Dennis Allen. I know what it is like and how difficult it is. All I want to do is win. So, I was like, shoot, if I can go there and have a day like today — didn’t play my best in the first half, come back, play good in the second half and win a game? Like, I didn’t have to be perfect for four quarters and we won. That is awesome. I don’t like that still. We won, but I am still sick because I should have played better. I can help the offense more. I sit back and I am already analyzing it, right? But to have that defense to hold us, keep us in there until we got clicking in the second half, I mean, it helped us win the football game.” The Saints could use a sharper offensive effort in Green Bay next week, but they should feel confident that their defense will give them a chance even if it doesn’t come together right away. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/derek-carr-this-defense-a-big-reason-i-signed-with-saints
  9. Dude came up for a few great open field tackles tonight already. He missed 1 tackle so calm down….Out of everything that had happened in this game you choose Jackson to complain about???
  10. I’m trying to be an optimist? and love that we have Young, but this team is still boring. I can’t wait for the day that we are top ranked on one side of the ball again.
  11. You are a dumbass. The guy is a person and just got seriously injured over someone falling on him after the play was over.
  12. You are 100 percent correct. It sucks that we have been in rebuild mode since 2018 though.
  13. I’m not saying this isn’t worth discussing at some point If things go south but……ITS BEEN ONE FUGGING GAME.
  14. He didn’t look good last year and did nothing really in the first game. It wouldn’t hurt at all, but I wouldn’t be excited to give up additional draft picks for another WR 2/3. I’d rather save that money and pay Burns/Brown
  15. So you would rather we not take a shot on a franchise QB???
  16. Jesus. What a blow that is, and it is almost comical at this point. I feel bad for Horn….how many freak accidents can you have
  17. People complaining about his play Sunday are literally just talking out of their asses and did not watch the film.
  18. He has had multiple post in his IG since the game sharing fans opinions on him getting paid. He has also listed news clips and articles showing his performance and pass rush win rate. He has had at least 10 post like this since the game…..
  19. Unreal. What a homer post. We should be focused on how many years this franchise has been set back after seeing that Bryce clearly isn’t a franchise QB after his first game in the NFL, on the road
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