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Riverboat Ron

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About Riverboat Ron

  • Birthday 12/15/1988

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  1. I still believe Watson chose the Browns over us, Tepper probably outbid them.
  2. This year will tell a lot about our near future. If we show no improvement, more importantly Bryce Young, then we messed up drafting him and will need to figure out how to repair the damage. If that happens I don’t think my heart can take it anymore, for us to miss out in this fashion on several franchise QB’s.
  3. Probably like a lot of us who’ve been around for over a decade, life takes up a lot more time and football takes a back seat.
  4. Mike Brown living on rice and beans.
  5. He had 8 refills of Diet Coke at my bar while the rest of his party had $400+ bottles of red.
  6. Panthers finally found a way to look worse at a sport than they already do on Sundays.
  7. Tepper bets $500 billion on the Panthers and owns the USA after we win it all.
  8. I’m just imagining our trainer is just like, “Guys, make sure to not drink water and don’t worry about stretching before going full throttle, you’ll be fine!”
  9. I for one welcome our robot overlords.
  10. For a guy that’s 5’ tall, 8” looks pretty impressive.
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