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Everything posted by onmyown

  1. poo line, run cmc in the ground, run run pass…this seems familiar
  2. one of the only live games I get to see being right by BYU campus Wilson fanboy tears will be delicioso
  3. To me it’s not so much who is starting but if after several games you’re in a ‘the next guy can’t possibly be any worse (Whitehead)’ situation, it’s time to move on and try something new. There should never be this feeling a coaches favorite/vet has the job no matter what.
  4. spewing hate!!! yea ok lol i see it’s that time of the month that blood pressure isn’t good for you, might wanna loosen up
  5. just calling the video out for what it is…I’m not criticizing, just keeping it funky
  6. summary for those that did not watch: excuses, rumors, lies and racism surrounding cam that affected his play and career and it’s all bullshit = 44.37 minutes this isn’t a video bitching complaining or making excuses because….it’s funky. don’t get it twisted = .23 seconds oh and some black people don’t do right by other black people and all white people aren’t…the devil!
  7. Or when in the third quarter you see the run defense begin breaking apart and slowing down from being hammered all game, especially with a good RB. For the Panthers run d that’s usually after 5 minutes but you know what I mean.
  8. Yes, actually it does. People aren’t automatically possibly racist unless they prove otherwise - get a grip. The fact an arrow pointing up could possibly be misconstrued as that for some people, are severely insecure and paranoid. Probably time to get their mental health checked. I personally think Cam would be a great back up option if he is willing and I don’t see the whole ‘he’s too big for that role point’, he hasn’t done anything in three years and is on the backslide of his career…but he can still win some games. What am I missing?
  9. Lol uh, how ‘americultured’ are you? I’ve lived in about 17 different large cities including Baltimore. It’s beyond comical you would say this unless you have never been to and experiences Baltimore. Charlotte is by FAR one of the nicest cities for its size. The poverty levels, violent gangs, and violent crime are easy peasy. In fact I think people are so used to how Kush it is when there is a murder they’ll scream out ‘oMG wE aRE becOmIng BALtimore!!1”. Its not a safe and boring as it used to be in the late 90s when there were like 5 buildings downtown but for its size, it’s about as good as you’ll get.
  10. Could be, but the common denominator in that scenario would be Darnold. It would mean he is likely the issue, that would make more sense. However, what it would mean for sure is we have people in the building with some awful judgment calling, TB and now Darnold failing. If Fields or Jones balls out that would be the cherry on top of bad decision making in my opinion. This should all align around year 3 of Rhule’s tenure, and if it all does, in fact, all align…I’m not sure how much more time you give a guy. Simply - Nail in coffin for Darnold, lid being fitted for Rhule.
  11. You’re looking for plaza/Thomas street or NoDa. NoDa gets boring quick though. Both have the dive bar type feel, trendy. South end is the ‘college crowd’ and is pretty obnoxious. I never enjoyed the area. It can be ok but it’s rare. There are games yea, but it’s just a distraction for bored drunk people to goof around with, again obnoxious and uppity. There are some good beer spots/breweries somewhat around there that are closer the the city… 5th street has good spots and is going to me a mix of college crowd and mid age crowd. Roxbury in particular is a place younger crowds avoid because it’s nostalgia for 30+ crowd. Generally speaking more middle age crowd, unless they’re desperate, want something more than a bar and dancing. So look for events, good food, good beer, quality games like pool etc. for a better crowd imo. Thing about 5th is you can walk around and find what you like, but no dive bar feel. There is a smaller area, Montford that is ok, it’ll get boring quick like NoDa though. The Fillmore area is always an awesome, though small crowd especially if there are no events, places like the sandbox are fun. If there is a good event there, the crowd will be awesome. Aside from islands here and there, those 5 spots are basically what Charlotte has to offer. If it were up to me, I prefer Thomas/Plaza and 5th a close second. Thomas and Plaza is great but sometimes it can be randomly completely dead. I’d usually head there first and go to 5th if dead. If you’re looking for get laid, 5th ranks above them all…by far. If you’re into pool, Rack em in Matthews on Saturday night is always fun and a good crowd IMO. Nothing much else around. If you want small dive bar (small space and non reg tables but nice dive bar vibe) and good area, Elizabeth Bullard is right around Thomas St/Plaza.
  12. Been watching it…it’s meh. Very scripted feel, maybe it’ll get better. But yea, not saying much, but is watchable compared to most TV. Martin is enjoyable.
  13. i think we should try him at left tackle. or guard. or center.
  14. I agree and as it should. I can’t see anyone who is not a flaming homer and objective sees it any other way. Not just Fields but Jones as well.
  15. I think 8-9 or 7-10 is slightly more realistic, but 9-8 is reasonable optimism (unlike these 12-5 predictions I’m seeing) and I can get on board with it. Either way, I expect AT LEAST 7 wins to be convinced the Panthers are heading in the right direction. Anything less is a fail in my book.
  16. My bad. Just getting a little anxious waiting for the first game, needed something worthwhile to read. I thought about waiting too for more content. I’ll refrain from making these in future and be patient! By Harris, I can only assume they meant Reddick…I mean it’s kind of close…with the i and r and all.
  17. Also decent write ups linked in their forums for both sides: https://jetsxfactor.com/2021/09/03/5-advantages-new-york-jets-carolina-panthers/?_gl=1*47ruug*_ga*YW1wLVd1UlZ0WW9zZDNhcmp2T19JSV9ybXBhX1BfRjRDclZvZ3ZlMVlYSlRkblJuU1JGZ0x6UW00d25CbXhHYXdsOEg. https://www.google.com/amp/s/jetsxfactor.com/2021/09/04/carolina-panthers-mismatches-ny-jets/amp/
  18. I always liked these threads. Slight favorable consensus, close game but Panthers win. I can agree with. Not much analysis here since it’s game one (and it’s the Jets) but another take away is their fans seem very, very high on Wilson. Other than that they’re pretty realistic overall with expectations with very low expectations of Darnold - basically expect him to roll over with any pressure. Talked a lot of smack about our oline…makes complete sense except thinking Miller out meant good things though, if only they knew it means nothing. ”This is an 8-win team and the Panthers are one of the games that’s winnable. If Douglas, Saleh, and Wilson truly are generational as we’ve been promised, it will show in Week 1. ” “Jets 13 Panthers 27 it’s going to be a long miserable season. I’m just hoping there’s no injuries and the rookies improve as well as coaching throughout the year so there is hope for the future. “ “This game 'should' be determined by the QBs and RBs. Sam has an easier task ahead if him with our secondary. Panthers also have CM. Jets 28 : Panthers 17 I just think Wilson is much more talented.” “I expect Sam to be mostly checkdown Charlie to McCaffrey with a few deep shots to Robbie. We’ll see if our young LB’s & secondary can contain this. But agree it may be a high scoring game. ” “Pressure on Sam Darnold is the key to victory. We know he gets happy feet back there. If we don’t apply any pressure with our front 4, he’ll be able to sit back there and play well vs our young secondary. Panthers weakness on offense is probably the offensive line. They have playmakers all over the field. “ “Very winnable game. Hopefully the interior can get some pressure on Sam as it would unsettle him with happy feet for the rest of the game. I’d be shocked if Robby doesn’t beat us deep at least once. Rhule uses him in much more ways than the Jets did but with Echols/Dunn he should be able to isolate and smoke one of them. I think Elijah Moore might go off. A lot of the focus on Davis after the preseason but we’ll be desperate to get Moore the ball and see what he can do. Need a lot of defensive players to over perform, especially the rookie LB’s, they looked awful against Philly. I think it will be close. 27-24 either way. I’ll be pretty pissed if we’re just blown away. We need to start competing. “ “Our secondary is weak to say the least and while Sam may not be great, he will likely pick them apart. I am hopeful about our coaching staff, but there some 23 players on this team who have only been through one real off-season, 12 are rookies. I would expect we will not see quality play especially on defense until at least halfway through the season. At least we should have some excitement out of our offense. Not a lot of wins, but hopefully more fun that last year - yes, I know a very low bar.” “The Jets young D better have a good game or it'll get ugly early Sunday afternoon. Can they make Sam see ghosts? Because if they don't and the Panthers OL is able to protect Darnold and give him time he'll eat up the Jets secondary throwing to a real WR1, WR2, TE. If the Panthers OL is able to open a few holes for McCaffrey the Jets will have to play more guys in the box exposing the very young and experienced secondary. I think the only way the Jets win this game is in a shoot out where Zach has a huge day.” “Other than Morton at RT, the Carolina Oline is trash. If Jets can get a good pass rush, Mosley can contain CMC and Becton does well against Harris (Carolina’s stud edge pass rusher; Becton should destroy him in the run game), and Wilson doesn’t stink, the Jets can win this one.” Looks likes Igo’s post has them triggered lol: “thanks for the link. its links like that that make me want to see Sam crash and burn. we get no respect around the league. were a punchline to the fans. that is why anyone traded has to be bad. we cant be the " same old Jets" and trade away players who turn out to be good. every Jet fan who wants Sam to have a good season ( but not this week, they say ) should look at the jokes at our teams expense. i would post that in the Jets locker room if i could.” “This is funny, but seriously though... who the **** are the Panthers? They're just as pathetic as us expect they haven't been around as long. “ ”The Panthers are a pathetic franchise just like us. They're just too delusional to realize the truth.”
  19. Because vaccinated people can still get it. Just because you’re vaxed doesn’t mean you need to stop being cautious and throw logic to the wind. You don’t think the irony of saying a positive player vaxed should still play? It confirms vaxed still get it. That’s exactly a prime issue today is people thinking they’re Superman because they’re vaxed. You may still spread it to a reasonable, caring, vaxed person that you wouldn’t have otherwise through association and you do not know if that person will react well just because they’re vaxed. Or spread it to their kid who can’t get vaxed and the snowballing continues or worse, kid has bad reaction. Did you think of that? At the least it could put them out of work for quarantine, continue the spread and for what? You're not cold, you’re ignorant, far worse. As a vaxed, I still wear a mask and keep distanced. Imagine if everyone in the world did that for a month. If you’re truly sick of this you’d do whatever it takes to stop the spread, including among the vaxed, even if it meant you had to muster up all the power within your weak mind to devote 3.6 seconds to slide on a mask. Even if it meant to suck up your feelings about how you feel about it. Your post clearly displays you clearly not sick of anything with that attitude, but I honestly don’t think you have the ability to understand how that makes sense. I realize not everyone is born with the capability to understand certain things or receive data or interpret it correctly, but I urge you to try your hardest.
  20. I don’t think he is going to do a 180 and be an elite QB. But if he does become better than average, man you really have to wonder wtf the Jets were doing.
  21. Yea I would take that deal. A better and more relevant question in my opinion is would be to offer a comparison. Would you rather win it all and suck or come close every year but never win one? Because compared to the last 26 years I’d take the deal. But if those last 26 years, say 15-20 of them we’d always be close and in the mix vs. winning one then being the Browns every year…that’s a harder choice imo.
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