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About mav1234

  • Birthday 12/20/1984

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  1. Wouldn't be the first time we actually found a gem from a minor league. Nothing wrong with additions like this, hope they work out. We need bodies for camp either way.
  2. Decent video - Bryce did have some great throws with anticipation.... But most of the time, he was just atrocious footwork wise, and I really do think he'd have been better sitting because he doesn't have physically gifts to lean on. Hopefully we've addressed the rest of the offense and he takes a big step but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
  3. Yeah I understand now - tbh I didn't follow Horn at all before the draft so I didn't know if maybe he did have injury history
  4. Yeah, I just have a hard time making the comparison cause Horn may seem fragile now but wasn't in college. Wilson, tho... I share your concerns.
  5. Did Horn have a significant injury history in college? I didn't think he did but may be wrong
  6. Although my Panthers enthusiasm is near an all time low, I actually think the draft (and FA) shows a pretty clear team direction related to power running and quick passing. I would have liked a C too, and I don't love XL, but it's very clear that they really believe in him and our trades for once look good overall... Dunno, if not for last year and who we still have at QB I think I'd be pretty pumped about this off-season.
  7. Solid depth, knows the system. Seems a good acquisition. As to college tape... Yeah I just don't care anymore. Hopefully BY turns it around but I'm not holding my breath.
  8. What was the trade last year? Or do you mean two years ago?
  9. I'm of the mind you should always be looking to improve and get depth on the OL. I don't think we need to tear it down and start over, but we should always be looking to improve because you never know where injuries will hit or how players returning from injury will do.
  10. I mean this is something I'd write just to troll this forum The genius behind the Drew Brees comparison...? Some heatmaps of middle of the field accuracy? Makes me want to make an "analytics" troll account and see if I can get a job with the team because of my excellent analyses...
  11. I mean... What proof of this is there exactly? Because a coach wanted a dude? That doesn't mean that the scouts / Fitterer didn't.
  12. Eh I think it's still something friends would do for each other. Until Bryce looks better it's hard to really have much hope for him. He was put in a bad situation but he arguably made the offense worse, not better, at least compared to the backup. I don't hate the guy and so hope he succeeds. I just don't really put stock in what one of his best friends says.
  13. TMJ may not make the final roster but he isn't a pre camp cut imo. I think we should let Theilen go to a competitor if he wants to...
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