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Everything posted by Smittymoose

  1. You're just wrong. He has to wait for Moore to clear Anderson's route. It was well-timed.
  2. Funny thing is, that one wasn't even a hospital ball. Just a big hit.
  3. Run stuffer who is top 10 in pass rush win % among DTs this year? Okay... https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32176833/2021-nfl-pass-rushing-run-stopping-blocking-leaderboard-win-rate-rankings
  4. It's definitely not as bad as 2013. I think the QB depth is not so bad in the class. You just don't have 1-2 obvious top 5 picks like you usually do.
  5. lol I couldn't give one poo what color the players or the coaches are. Doesn't mean a thing to me. If it means something to you, then you might be a racist. Do you have any statistics that back up your proposition that more free agents are more likely to sign with a team that has a black coach? There's certainly not any evidence that I am aware of that black coaches have more success on average than other coaches.
  6. Why do we need a black coach? Does being black make someone an inherently better coach or something? Leftwich will be Tampa's coach in two years or less. He ain't leaving.
  7. Not ones that can't throw the ball. Cam was/is one-of-a-kind. He's a freakshow athlete at the NFL level. Everyone already knew that going into the draft. The question was whether he could be a passable QB. Malik Willis is...not an elite athlete. He's good, but he doesn't have the kind of otherworldly athleticism that Cam had. He single-handedly dominated college football that year. Malik Willis is dropping games to ULM.
  8. Texans can give permission to talk, like when teams give permission to a player to seek a trade. Allows contact between team and player (agent).
  9. I wouldn't be mad about it, but he's not a long-term solution. Already 33-34.
  10. There is essentially no chance Carolina has a top 5 pick this year. Not happening.
  11. You should read my post. I am saying it will be hard to pivot from a bum QB because Carolina will be too almost certainly be too good to be top 5 pick bad this year or next.
  12. Pickett a rich man's Ryan Fitzpatrick. So maybe something like Kirk Cousins. I think he's a solid starter. Upside is limited, but I think some team will be content with him.
  13. You have to look at the cost you give up of drafting a dud early too. Sure, you can get out of the deal, but what did you lose by burning a top pick on a complete bum? I don't think those situations are very fair comparisons for the rest of the league, as those teams had top 2 picks. It is going to be impossible for Carolina to be that bad with the talent on the roster, even with Darnold or some similar bum at QB.
  14. He's all tools and projection. For every one Josh Allen, there's 30 Jamarcus Russells. Pass unless it's 3rd round or later, which won't happen because some team will fall in love with the tools and draft him in the top 40 picks.
  15. Any time you have a chance to draft a QB that struggles to complete half of his passes against Louisiana-Monroe, you gotta do it.
  16. You're absolutely right. When it comes to football fandom, I couldn't give one poo about morals. This isn't the Billy Graham Lifetime Achievement Award. It's football. Winning is all that matters.
  17. Except that's apparently not what happened, but whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.
  18. Sounds like Carolina will be in it this off-season if the Dolphins can't close it before next Tuesday, as they should be. Not mad about it, switching QBs in the middle of the season was always going to be difficult, and the draft pick compensation is going to look a lot better with Darnold running this thing into the ground the rest of the year. There isn't a good solution for the rest of this season, but I'd damn sure look at someone like Nick Foles if he's available for a future 6th/7th.
  19. Mid-tier QB? You're high. Absolutely no chance.
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