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Everything posted by CarolinaLivin

  1. Expecting improvement from madden is asking a lot
  2. At most they scapegoat hackett and run russ again with new staff in hope that something changes and they don’t look dumb for the money they spent. (Opinion) i think steelers stick with pickett.
  3. Yeah seems people think only your 1st round pick gets better when you lose. (Note: i am not on team tank)
  4. Corral would have to learn a new system under the new coach just as the rookie would. But it’s still “what the coach wants”. If an amazing coach candidate comes in and says i want to coach corral i mean cool but that likely doesn’t happen is what is being said.
  5. So some want wilks because you don’t want to take a “chance” on another head coach. But have stated that he’d need a great OC. What are the chances we land a good/great HC (Only 32 jobs, candidates get it when one is open) vs. wilks chances of getting an all-star OC that we likely lose IF we do land him/her. I do believe we could do worse than wilks. But we can definitely do better.
  6. I don’t know what you expect a player to say. Wasted question and time. Was he supposed to give his top 5 coaches he’d rather have or get on his knees and beg for Rhule back?
  7. I just learned that a few weeks ago.
  8. Is anyone watching sc/tennesee? Today has been crazy.
  9. Anyone watching the ohio state/maryland game?
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