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About bga71

  • Birthday 12/03/1971


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. I would like to see Dalton let go at the end of the season, bring in a backup that's been in the league 5 or 6 years, a later round draft pick, and have a real qb competition next year. I don't even care who wins it, as long as they can resemble an NFL quarterback.
  2. I was in the Stroud camp, but once Bryce was announced the pick I started pulling for the kid to make it, and still do. If Stroud had been the pick, last years O-line might have ruined him, and Bryce might be setting the league on fire in Houston. After this season we should have a pretty good idea what we have at QB.
  3. I expect a better product on the field next week if this team has any heart.
  4. I hope you're wrong about the roster. I might have agreed with the worst roster last year, but the fan in me believes they have upgraded enough positions to make a little noise this year. I'm seeing the glass as half full, you're seeing the glass as half full of piss. But if you've been a fan for a while, I get it, and hope those days are behind us.
  5. I was afraid he would be claimed, then turn into a stud for the next decade.
  6. It would be nice to see last years and this year's draft produce some studs by mid-season.
  7. A big thanks to all you guys posting content during this football dry spell. Anything is better than nothing at all.
  8. There will be veteran cuts coming up, they can add one before the season starts if they feel what they have won't work.
  9. The secondary was riddled with injuries last year, we're at least equal if not better on Dline, linebackers should be about the same. I think the defense will be pretty good this year. But Bryce has to show improvement this year.
  10. This draft went differently than any draft I remember since Hurney was here. Like an actual team building draft, then fill holes in FA. Something feels different, and I'm excited about it.
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