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Everything posted by micnificent28

  1. I have to day pickett did for sure and willis started like 2 games and played a lot of time in all of them. How long the other tram kept starters in is beyond me. But the point is when their number was called they answered and looked like they belonged. That's all you can ask for at this point for the rookies. I want you flash potential... I didn't say you had to go out there day one light up the Raven's first team defense. Just show your a nfl caliber player. Give hope for the future. They did that.
  2. I would only say that about corral for now. I'm pleased with icky he got some pass block stuff to work on he will get there I hope. Amaro B has shown potential he could eventually fill in for our loss at Outside pash rusher. Brandon Smith looks like a player.. Hell even Barnes the speed freak from Taylor looks like a keeper. I'm ok with everyone except...
  3. I mean that could be the case but early on it looks the opposite to me. This was panned as a all time horrible class. Pickett looks ready to go now. A team without an established qb I could see them starting willis today if need be. He flashed.. Rider flashed... Howell flashed.. Some other lower tier guys.. There is at least optimism for most these guys like oh they are better than we thought... Except..corral..
  4. Who was the guy beating down the door for this guy all draft season? He needs to be strung up for this.
  5. Nothing against what you said. However everyone else rookies are playing with similar restrictions... Howell and Willie in particular. They were sacked 4-6 times each. But the things they did was look like they belonged. They validated their selection and showed glimpses or flashes of potential. Now I know PJ behind ahead of him hampered some of his pT. Then add in he missed the last preseason game where he probably would have gotten a half at least.. But I just didn't see it. His first game he was what 1-9 or 1-6? He didn't look like he belonged. Processing was slow and didn't have the mobility to make up for it. Not to mention the game he got hurt in he did better but still no wow.... I just need to see or feel some hope.. He didn't do that for me.
  6. http://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1563879609468583936/pu/vid/1280x720/oe4YRo0qFZKHIq1m.mp4 From this tweet: https://twitter.com/BaldyNFL/statuses/1563879821830082560 badly preaching the gospels
  7. I respect that. I don't think the think he was ever as fast as Lamar Jackson. I think the quote was like he was the best runner of the football since Lamar Jackson. Could mean agility, break tackle, field vision... I'm still not sure where I place him speed wise but he has to be in the Murray or slight slower ball park.. I think maybe he's faster than cam? Hard to say.
  8. Weren't you and that mrcompletely11 guy driving the willis is not a quarterback and can't run train? I mean if a guy can play he can play. He has shown enough flash that I wouldn't be mad at him in the first. Still a ton of work to do and icky was a fair call in the first round. Not mad at that at all. But when the guy who was projected as a first round talent falls to the second round then the third round.. If we're talking him at 6-7 no way u pass again there if u have just darnold on the roster we had then. I stand by that
  9. I was nearly stoned off the huddle for saying Willis was starter caliber. Most people said he wasn't going to be able to run and would get ran down by nfl linebackers... Now he's flashing starter ability. He's making crazy side are zingers for touchdowns.. He's running breaking 50 yard gains. He had clear ability all along but people stuck in old cash thinking can't see it. They look at his ability to run as a detrimental to his ability to throw when the two compliment each other. If you ask me Corral is a bigger project than willis due to limited mobility to buy time and low ability to process.
  10. I was told willis was to slow to run in the NFL... and to raw to much of a project.. Couldn't throw..
  11. He didn't look right... Even when he played he seemed small in the moment. No wow factor or glimpses.
  12. Howell included... Everyone one of these guys I have seen have shown something even in limited reps. Corral... I haven't seen it. Not a flash or anything. He looks overwhelmed. Could be wrong but this is starting to feel like grier all over again.. Or tony pike.
  13. I know it's extremely early. Book isn't written and corral isn't around to defend himself. But, looking at the flashes every other peer in his tier is putting up(cough Willis, pickett, ridder) did we really miss here?
  14. I was basing it off last week more less. But your right still more to see.
  15. I mean it's early but so far out of all the big name guys willis picket corral and ridder, I think we have the worst. Just doesn't pop or wow with what I have seen so far. That undeniable talent. Has been really what a rookie who isn't getting many reps should look like. I don't see him as the future.
  16. I don't think it could hurt to bring in a guy who at his best was a 1st round pick and a weapon. Let him compete with this muddling cast of characters we have all viaing for the job. Tremble is the favorite but he hasn't show he's a star yet... So why not?
  17. I was driving the Willis freight train during draft season and yet... Most the huddle said he can't throw and won't be able to run in the NFL. To much of a project... Sigh.. Another one bites the dust.
  18. Personally I think brady was more the solution than the problem. We lost a lot of games and looked bad but that was probably due to the team assembled. you asking a chef to make 5 star meal with ingredients you got from circle K. You Cam Erving tearing it up. The rotating door at guard and center. And no cmc? Yes blame the offensive coordinator he's not getting it done we want results!!
  19. WEll for the first few years he was backing up an all star and wasnt getting but say 12 mins a game. hes fine
  20. I think Brandon smith has the clearest path to playing time at a position we don't have a lot of talent at. But amare barno seems tailor made for our system. A speed rusher off the edge long and freaky speed. He's my pick for "team rookie of the year sleeper "
  21. wait what? I don't think IQ was one of ray's weaknesses either> Ray might be the most feared linebacker in history. As great as he was and I do think he was superior to Ray in coverage that might be about it. Ray a much more devastating hitter. i give him the edge there.
  22. I agree... I mean if he did have it planned out it was a great idea and no one has thought to do it before now? I have no reason to think hes fishing for Positive news seeing as everyone says thats the kind of person he is why dout that?
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