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Smitty will punch you

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  1. Anybody comparing chase is nuts….chase dominated the level before. what we talking
  2. OP sounding a lot like CJ Henderson vibes
  3. My man’s im from Raleigh and still live here. You gotta relax. Let the canes (who only a certain demographic here follows) start being bottom feeders of the NHL for almost a decade. PNC would be absolutely empty. we get it…you love Raleigh but you have to relax. trying to compare the NHL to the NFL is pure insane.
  4. Don’t be a clown…Horn is special when he’s on the field
  5. I thought this bozo said he was going to play the background
  6. Gonna be honest idk how I feel about Evero. You mean to tell me Chinn isn’t a major player for this defense? granted Evero did make lemonade outta lemons.
  7. 3 years and he’ll be the fall guy. shouts out Dan tho for being loyal to the franchise
  8. Wait so you just gonna ignore them missing 25 sacks with Jalen and chubs. Missing one of the best safety in game, and missing one of the highest paid CB with Howard. this all on tua huh? lol
  9. It blows my mind how silly these cats are. They really have the mind of a child playing madden. Hot take culture.
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