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Everything posted by Mage

  1. Almost certainly. No matter how the rest of this plays out, unless literally every single detail is false, then Watson is gonna get suspended. Look at what they did to Zeke who had far, far less going against him. NFL always suspends if not doing so will make them look bad.
  2. I want Geno Atkins. Give us leadership on defense, fits perfectly with Brown, and can help mentor our younger DL.
  3. I just do not envision any scenario where the Panthers allow themselves to miss out on a QB. Maybe it means we overpay, I don't know, but we are not going to sit back and watch teams take a QB ahead of us.
  4. Apparently Buzbee has been in contact with the police. At this point I think we can eliminate the possibility that this is just some conspiracy or smear campaign. No lawyer is about to hand over knowingly false information. And considering there seems to be 9 different women, with no relations to each other, all with similar and corroborating stories? I mean. Man. I don't know how people can look at this any other way than what it clearly is. And it makes you wonder how long did Watson know about the possibility of this happening, and if it had something to do with him wanting out of Houston as much as he did?
  5. If anything it makes it more likely we trade into the top 3. I mean if we can trade for Watson, we can absolutely put together a package for the #2 or #3 overall pick.
  6. What the hell are you disagreeing with? People looking to reach a settlement before going to court as being a common thing is a fact. There is nothing to disagree with. Like what the heck are you talking about?
  7. See, this is why some of you are impossible to debate with. You just take one little phrase and miss the overall point. Nobody is comparing Watson to Cosby. My point is just because someone tries to reach a settlement before suing someone doesn't mean they are lying, and to suggest otherwise makes you look like a damned fool. Learn how stuff like this actually works before talking about it, because I hate nothing more than how people just try and make it seem like victims lie and lie and lie. It rarely happens. 9 women did not just wake up and say hey, let's potentially ruin our lives by accusing Deshaun Watson of sexual assault. And the fact that this is how some of you are reacting is the EXACT reason why this toxic culture will never change and people will be taken advantage of and be afraid to speak up. You cannot preach "innocent until proven guilty" meanwhile you routinely label the victims as liars. Nobody knows the facts, so stop trying to take a side. That is all I am saying.
  8. What does that have to do with my point? You are suggesting they are lying because they wanted to reach a settlement beforehand. I am asking you what is unusual about looking to reach a settlement before court. You sound delusional right now. Nothing is unusual about trying to reach a monetary settlement before court.
  9. Lol dude I will literally bet you $1000 right now that this is not cleared up by the time the draft hits. Take it or leave it. You really think civil court and the NFL's investigation (which has been confirmed to be happening) is going to be done within the next month and a half? If so, I have a bridge to sell you.
  10. It's funny how you are trying to argue "nobody knows anything" literally like a page after you called them liars/a bunch of BS lol
  11. Answer the question. What is unusual about looking to reach a settlement before taking it to court? It literally happens all the time. Most people do not want to go to court if they can avoid it. Otherwise you are just saying ish that doesn't matter. People tried to reach settlements with Bill Cosby too. I guess that means he didn't do it either, right?
  12. There is absolutely no way this situation is cleared up anytime before the draft. It took the NFL forever to do its investigation on Antonio Brown. You could argue they have more of an incentive to expedite that process with Watson, but it still wouldn't be finished by the draft. And the Panthers are not going to turn down trading up for a QB just to hope the Watson situation maybe clears itself. You flat-out can't trade for a player who could potentially have 9 women accusing him of harassment/assault/rape. It just isn't going to happen and I think Schefter said that before the 3rd report came out. Teams ain't about to give up hella draft capital for that, and at this point the Texans may as well wait because they aren't gonna get 50% of his value right now.
  13. That isn't unusual. Again, victims of sexual assault typically don't want it to be known by a lot of people. That is why it takes them so long to report. It is also why it is false whenever someone suggests that lying about rape or sexual assault is something that happens a lot. It is not something that happens a lot. Studies suggest it happens about 2%-10% of the time, and even that number could be inflated because of the amount of rape accusations that are deemed as false simply due to a lack of sufficient evidence. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/03/health/sexual-assault-false-reports/index.html I want to reiterate that I am not saying Watson is guilty and I am not making any matter of fact statements in regard to innocent or guilt. But I want people to be held accountable for their opinion and immediately accusing the potential victims of BSing or lying helps contribute to a very toxic culture. We need to step-back and wait it out. There are a lot of reasons why a side would want to reach a settlement before taking it to civil court. And that is also why it isn't as simple as, "well, if Watson is guilty, why didn't he take the settlement?" You could just as easily as, "why did Watson do it in the first place?" Watson, if the allegations are true, probably does not view his behavior as being bad. Much like most offenders.
  14. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Nobody is trading for Deshaun Watson. And you would have to be a fool to think that this is some conspiracy against him. And if all 9 suits end up being filed? It is a wrap. Right now our focus should be on what the Panthers will end up having to give up to move to the #3 or #2 overall pick.
  15. Which is why it isn’t unusual when multiple women step-up at once. It’s hard accusing someone
  16. IMO they would not dare claim there are text messages if they didn’t exist.
  17. Also some of you need to do your research. Women lying about being raped/assaulted is FARRRR more unlikely than ya’ll make it seem. Again not saying Watson is guilty but I mean at this point we can’t judge either way.
  18. Chump change would have been hiring an actual escort. I’m not saying this is true but nobody knows and will likely ever know. But there’s too many accusations just to brush it off
  19. Okay but your logic is still asinine. There are teams that have a high 1st round pick every year and don't win. Does that also mean high 1st round picks don't matter? It goes both ways. There are multiple ways to build a team. Look at how well the Saints have drafted and yet they haven't made it back to the Super Bowl. Ish happens. Judging if something is a success strictly off if the team won a Super Bowl is horrendous logic.
  20. I feel that. Maybe JAG is the wrong word. However he's still maxed out IMO. I'd rather get younger depth at DE and a more traditional 3-tech to paper with Brown/Roy.
  21. People are overrating 1st round picks. Yes they are important but they aren't the only way to build a good team. If the Panthers can't build a playoff team around an elite QB, then why do people think they would be able to without one just because they have 1st round picks? A good FO ALWAYS finds a way.
  22. That is unfair. It is hard to win a Super Bowl. The most you can hope for is to consistently make the playoffs, which the Rams have. After that unless you are Tom Brady, it is just difficult to win a Super Bowl. Deshaun Watson is 25 years. Unless we treated him as poorly as the Texans, that would mean we probably have at least 10 years to build around him. If we can't do that then what difference is it if we don't get him? A good FO would know how to work with an elite QB who, after the TV deal kicks in and other QBs sign huge deals, will be relatively cheap.
  23. Because Obada really isn't that good. He's a JAG. I think he has a good story but he gets overhyped on this site. He is easily replaceable. He can't really play the edge full-time (hence why we slid him inside so much), but he's also an undersized 3T. I'm cool with re-signing him but lets not make it a bigger deal than it is in actuality. Not to mention he's gonna be 30 years old. In all likelihood it is far more likely he regresses than it is he progresses anytime soon.
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