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  • Birthday July 21

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  1. We are the most miserable lot in the entire league! https://www.wcnc.com/article/sports/nfl/panthers/fans-unhappiest-in-nfl-survey-finds/275-a49ed42b-ac87-4743-b26a-b866f0f0b37b?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2FbKBVg4wK2RlGaBY-YpLzbA8jeufuZRro6WCRanijJDnunCkGOSXO9U8_aem_s9F8sJwwe_1hNwP7ee4H6g Not saying it isn't justified, but damn.
  2. FWIW: I saw a stat over the offseason that showed Mingo had the most uncatchable balls in the NFL thrown his way. I'm definitely not ready to write him off just yet.
  3. Honestly, when draft picks fail it's almost never for athletic reasons. If you get drafted, you have the athletic talent. It's all those other things that can't be measured which cause failure. I wish the guy the best. There are certainly those rare players who finally figure it out. If we just get a rotational option out of this guy, that's a win for us.
  4. It's a more realistic take than most. He was far more honest about our defense last year than most pundits.
  5. Not sure if anyone else caught it, but in the section where the coaches and scouts were talking about what they wanted in an OLB, there was a point where someone said that they needed guys who could press the edge and finish by getting the guy to the ground. I couldn't help but think that some subtle frustration with Burns may have come out right there.
  6. Incorrect. TB5 vs BY9 is a push at best. They are effectively the same player. Here is BY: Here is TB (Carolina year): So yea, BY had slightly more intended air yards per attempt (tried a touch more to go downfield). However, he completed far less downfield than TB5 (fewer completed air yards per attempt). Effectively, BY tried more, but TB was more effective.
  7. Actually, he didn't throw any real deep balls in his pro day. I think the longest I remember seeing was about 45 yards in the air. Not sure how we could see Stroud, Richardson and Levis in the same week we saw Bryce and conclude that his arm was anything but the 4th best in the class.
  8. Not exactly. They show that Jones was making the most of the opportunities he had. I was never a fan of his, but I think that the talent level in NE last year is somehow escaping the massive negative attention it should have received. That team was terrible - especially the talent and coaching on offense - and everyone was still afraid of the wrath of hoodie. He'll have a chance to restart his career at some point. He was a middle of the pack QB as a rookie. Plenty of teams out there would love to make it up to middle of the pack at QB.
  9. Actually, it does. This graph shows yards missed when pressured and yards missed when not pressured. As you can see here, under no pressure, Bryce left 600 yards on the field. Under pressure, he left just short of 400 yards on the field. Yes, Josh Allen was also out there with missed chances. However, Josh Allen had 4300+ yards passing last year. I suspect no one would be all that concerned about BY if he had anywhere near 4000 last year.
  10. I didn't see this posted here, apologies if I missed it. I just saw this breakdown today, it really shows just why this guy is someone we want around.
  11. Just watched his interview. Man, all I can say is "pleasebegoodpleasebegoodpleasebegood".
  12. I'm sorry, what? Much smaller? At draft, DK Metcalf was 6' 3", 228. XL is 6' 1", 221. The both ran 4.3 40's. Both had a 40" vertical jump. Both had a combined next gen score of 79. If you read their draft profiles, they have a lot of the same strengths and weaknesses. How much closer could they be and not be the exact same player? Of course I'm not saying that XL is the next DK Metcalf. Only production and performance can determine that. But as prospects, they are incredibly similar.
  13. So, I don't like the Deebo comparisons after watching that. XL is not great at or behind the line of scrimmage. Far more failures than successes with those type plays. Maybe he is DK Metcalf. I hope so.
  14. Moose for example. Morgan. Thomas Davis. Lots of guys really. We definitely used to be that team that played harder than everyone else.
  15. I don't think so. Dallas really liked him. Even if the Joneses didn't take him, the Cardinals likely would have as well, given they picked up the second best back in the draft at 66.
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