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  1. Wouldn’t surprise me. TE drafted late seem to always show out.
  2. I mean experiencing Cam for 9 years I would say the way Bryce is acting is not normal.
  3. Predicting the Texans take a major step back apparently. I think they win their division. Not the Colts because their QB can’t stay healthy.
  4. We don’t need to trade another first and this year isn’t about playoffs or Super Bowl. It is about evaluation. We need that first round pick and after Bryce I never want to see another first round pick traded ever again.
  5. Great sport! Honestly I am always surprised I never could get into soccer because I love hockey and the two sports are somewhat similar. Cool to see another “new” Canes fan. Next season is gonna be really interesting with the soft-reset this off-season. But it feels like every cup favorite team in our division has a soft-reset.
  6. As a person who has watch every Canes game on tv except one and that was when they were still in Greensboro I disagree. Hockey works very well on TV.
  7. It’s last year Madden so no surprise. Coach may look like Canales but it is just Reich in disguise.
  8. It is just a hype video. I feel the same way. The video was fun but it is just team propaganda.
  9. Definitely seemed to be slower getting up as the season went on and we had that one injury scare that he came back that game from. Like you said, body can only take so much.
  10. I am excited for this season like I am any season. I love football and every year brings the chance for something fun. Like 2015, not saying we are gonna have a 2015 year. NFL is the greatest reality show.
  11. And you are annoying. STFU and go away.
  12. I’d be interested to know how tall the people making short jokes are.
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