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Everything posted by Mage

  1. Also Watson's cap hit in 2 years would almost certainly not be that high % wise. The salary cap is going to increase a TON when TV deals kick in.
  2. How many QBs a year are taking up more than 12.6% of the salary cap space? This is the problem I always have when this "evidence" is brought up. There can only be 1 Super Bowl winner a year. If there are only 2-3 QBs in any given year taking up 12.6% of the salary cap, then this "evidence" means nothing other that it is just statistically unlikely for any 1 QB in a group of 3 to win what is essentially a one-and-done tournament. The same as how no MVP has won the Super Bowl since Kurt Warner. It does not mean MVPs can't win Super Bowls, it just means it is statistically unlikely for 1 QB in a group of 32 to win a tournament for 1 champion Correlation /=/ Causation
  3. I mean, if he's a Saint, I doubt we are going to stop talking about him. Just in a different context.
  4. Watson is 26 years old. QBs nowadays don't stop being really good/great until about 35. We're talking 8-10 years of high-end QB play. That is plenty of time to build a good team around someone.
  5. Fair enough. I can't speak on college basketball because that has never been a huge interest of mine, but I think the NBA has gotten somewhat better in this regard. Free throws are at an all-time low (although Harden/Embiid are going to get a ton of calls in Philly) and the new rule implemented last offseason has done a fantastic job at limiting how frequently guys can foul-bait on jump-shots like Harden and others would constantly do. The 3-ball is still a big part of the game, but there's plenty of teams and players who have beautiful mid-range and inside games. DeRozan has been All-NBA caliber this season and his game is almost all mid-range offensively. Arguably the top 2 MVP candidates are centers in Jokic and Embiid. Durant is also someone who can shoot the 3-ball efficiently but his bread-and-butter is mid-range and overall just being a sniper. Obviously though if you simply don't enjoy basketball anymore I won't be changing your mind lol but I do think this is the best the league has been in a very long time. Lot of different styles and lot of different way championship contenders have been built, I find it to be the perfect mixture.
  6. Until you realize we still don't have a QB a fraction as good as Watson.
  7. Honestly the NBA is pretty damn amazing right now, and I say this as someone who didn't care as much for it 5 years ago. But you should get back into it. So many amazing young players and really super teams aren't that much of a thing. Suns/Bucks was the finals last year and this year there's a bunch of teams I could see making the finals. I don't want to say super teams aren't really a thing anymore... but they haven't been lately. I mean you had the Nets with KD/Irivng/Harden and look how that worked out. The best team in the NBA very well might be the Suns and they built their team through the draft outside of Chris Paul, who isn't even playing right now. You got the Bucks who drafted Giannis and made smart signings to build around him. Bulls did sign Lonzo and DeMar, but neither of those are super-team level talents (although DeRozan has been insane this year) and Lavine was already on the team. Lot of other really strong, fun teams to watch too like the Grizz, Mavs, Celtics, Cavs, and Jazz... all homegrown teams with budding young stars. Hell then you have the Pelicans if Zion can get healthy, Zion/Ingram/McCollum would be filthy. And Nuggets, another homegrown team, has a top-3 player in the NBA (Jokic) and Jamal Murray will return someday. If Kawhi and PG get healthy for the postseason, then the Clippers are nasty too... but to be fair they might fit under your Super Team criteria, but they are still very beatable. Even if not, they have incredible depth. Basically I don't think there has been a better time to get back into the NBA. This isn't like 5 years ago where you could pencil in a Cavs/Warriors finals, or when you just knew the Heat would make it to the finals. There's a bunch of parity currently. Hell even now with the Sixers with Embiid and Harden, I don't think they are invincible. Their reliance on free-throw shooting is going to bite them in the ass in the playoffs. I think the Heat or Bucks could beat them. Nets/Sixers would be interesting depending on Kyrie. Honestly the Panthers are still my favorite sports team but I actually think the NBA is more entertaining currently than the NFL. And that is something I never thought I would say. I still love the NFL though, maybe if the Panthers didn't suck I could enjoy it more.
  8. I have no idea how credible anything you are saying is, but I will say this does sound very plausible. I think people, from fans to analysts, are underrating the impact Sean Payton had on the Saints. Dennis Allen had a 8-28 record with the Raiders. Yeah things can change but those Raiders were 8-8 when he took over, similar to how the Saints were an average team last year. So can we really be sure they are actually even any good as it stands currently?
  9. Malik Willis and Derek Carr (depending on the compensation) are the only other 2 QBs I'd be interested in. But really I'd rather just run it with Darnold, take our losses, and start again next year. That is what a smart team would do (unless you were THAT sold on Willis, and if so I'd be okay with it). Watson is worth multiple 1sts because he is that damn good at such a young age. I love Carr and think he's underrated and for the right team, he could win a Super Bowl. We aren't that team right now.
  10. Damn. I didn't realize they shared an agent. Honestly unless we can swing a trade for another QB, I don't know about this season... like what would be the point of watching a Rhule-coached football team with Darnold or GOD FORBID Pickett in the same division where every other team has better coaches and far and away a better QB? I'll still watch obviously but damn it will just be brutal to sit through I don't even know which team in our division I hate the most anymore. Probably the Saints. I'd rather root for the GOAT Brady than I would the Saints.
  11. All we ever asked for today
  12. Could confirm he's going to the Saints and Panthers aren't really in consideration much
  13. I feel certain a trade will be done, whether to here or somewhere else (Seattle, New Orleans, and Cleveland), in a few days if not today. Too much on the line for all the teams to not get something done ASAP. Especially with the amount of compensation on the line - no team wants this to drag out past the start of free agency. I'm leaning strongly towards the Saints right now. I think they wrap it up today.
  14. Watson hasn't met with any teams yet. So I don't see how anything could be happening.
  15. Why do people keep acting like this is a big deal? It isn't like he got hurt. He just missed a year. Plenty of guys have missed a year or close to it (whether due to injury or another reason) and been fine. KD is a basketball player who missed over a year due to an Achilles injury and is just as good now as he ever was. Prescott suffered a nasty ankle injury and look at how good he was last year. Him not playing in 2021 should mean nothing.
  16. The vast majority of fans care solely about wins and losses. If the team is winning, fans will show up. Will have nothing to do with how people perceive Watson as a person. And yes, I acknowledge there are fans out there who would be disgruntled by the trade. But the number of people who would actually stop being a fan of the team and no longer attend the games (who otherwise did attend the games) is in all likelihood a vocal minority. Ben was accused of rape and Steelers didn't struggle to fill their stadium. At the end of the day it will come down to wins and losses. Besides, it can't get worse than last year. I remember going to the Vikings game and I'm pretty damn sure Vikings fans were far, far louder than Panthers fans.
  17. Just feels like there is way too much smoke for it to actually happen, you know? Like it feels like it has been talked about so much and we've been the "obvious" candidate for a year now that it just won't actually come to fruition. I want Watson. I'm cool with giving up players and 3 1st round picks. I think people on this forum really, really, really undervalue what it would mean to have a 26 year old franchise QB. That is a MAJOR problem solved and gives up so much flexibility to make other moves. We'd be able to attract better free agents to make up for our lack of draft capital those years. We could make win-now trades because we'd actually have a QB who can help us win now.
  18. Deshaun Watson will either be a Cleveland Brown or Seattle Seahawk by Wednesday.
  19. He went 11-5 and 10-6 in his 2 full seasons before 2020. It is far more likely 2020 was an aberration rather than it ever being the norm. Great QBs like Watson almost always lead competitive teams.
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