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Ricky Prickles

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Everything posted by Ricky Prickles

  1. Until CJ Stroud I couldn't find much in terms of decent Ohio State QB's that stayed at Ohio State their whole careers and transitioned to a successful career in the NFL but he is changing that perspective for me quickly. Playing the odds is safe but there is always that one outlier that comes along and blows everyone away. If I were the Panthers, I would take two or three serious looks at Legette with the possibility that he may just be this outlier of a late bloomer that becomes something huge. Attitude/mindset first before everything will propel someone or set up their failure. The maturity and mindset is all there to go along with some great physical abilities, size and strength. Couple that with his direct desire to play for the Panthers to be close to home and whatever family he has left and you may have a recipe for one very committed player to his craft, his team and his development. All om saying is I would continue to look very closely at this guy. I do believe he has a very high ceiling and already has skills, physical abilities and an attitude/work ethic that would transfer very well to the NFL as well as set him up for continued development by being so coachable and such a hard worker in his preparation evidenced by his coaches and teammates reviews of him and what I have personally witnessed being around this guy the past few years but last two years specifically.
  2. Problem is if you are offered two firsts, one of them would need to be at his position in an attempt to get someone as good as he has become. Then there's the risk that they are not nearly as good or their development does not happen.
  3. Doubt it. He seems to have changed some. Maybe not all the way YET but he is moving towards something different. Lets face it, for all the dumb moves he has made, he is very intelligent and can learn from mistakes if he allows his ego to step aside. Perhaps he is in the beginning phases of allowing that ego to step aside and allow people who may potentially know way more than him regarding football to steer the ship. Something definitely seems different so far and im hopeful this past season was his big wakeup call. So far so good.
  4. People can say what they want about how he didn't play as much before or didn't contribute before etc etc but bottom line is he looked very good last year playing against quality competition. He has many tools and may be considered "raw" by some but not nearly as raw as many others and has a great attitude to go along with some impressive physical abilities and skills. He is very much worth taking a poo on. Hell, everyone is a risk. This guy is no Terrance Marshall who is just going to sit in the roster with a piss poor attitude and not contributing.
  5. Far from it. And I still believe Mingo develops into a regular contributor for the team under better coaching and a non dysfunctional idiot staff who cares more about developing players than stabbing each other in the backs and protecting themselves if by chance that's what we have now.
  6. I agree with this. I prefer just keep our second rounders and not trade down unless some team gives us a kings ransom (obviously they won't) for it. By kings ransom I would mean something along the lines of what we have up to the Bears last year to draft Bryce Young. Give me quality over quantity this draft and let's see if we have learned how to actually draft quality first.
  7. Most definitely he needs signed to a long term deal. I would not trade him away or let him get away. He seems to be a very hard working focused and driven player and these are all characteristics we need more of on this team. If he isn't vocal, just by how he shows up and works hard will lead by example at bare minimum. He is one you reward and pay. Something tells me that he keeps his motor running high even after he gets a long term deal.
  8. He still has a shot to develop into a starter. His story is far from over and he is most definitely worth taking a chance on.
  9. Completely opposite. He can still get production on defense
  10. It was just a joke that apparently flew way over some heads as serious......
  11. Oh I know but I would still take the deal for first rounder. Didn't say I don't think they would be insane and ridiculously dumb for taking it but I would sure jump on it. We both know that's never happening anyhow but what a great deal for us and us only it would be.
  12. You obviously understand his situation and can see through the basic "He is big and can't get separation" talk. He will succeed at teg next level and we will regret not taking him if we do I have a feeling.
  13. Is @TheSpecialJuanrunning this AI for some classic reactions as only our buddy Juan can get?
  14. I think most everyone does including Juan but he neglects it for the reactions I do believe. I must admit the reactions to his direct neglect of it do entertain me.
  15. Oh I don't click on Juan's links either. At first I was saying "what the hell man" as I would read his breaking news reports but then I realized he was mind fugging me in Juan's special way so I just read the comments and wait for someone else to embed the tweet. My favorite of Juan's has always been when some of the most absurd shitty dumb news possible that nobody except Fitt. would have made with a trade or signing and Juan chimes in with "I fully approve this". I can't help but laugh each time. The board needs this guy. He is a goofball but harmless and provides a chuckle for some like me regularly in some of his odd responses like his attraction to our new head coach and how sexy he thinks Canales is. Juan's whole persona makes me laugh and I need more laughs in my life these days.
  16. I will take that deal for a first rounder next season if they want to give us him.
  17. Agreed, it isn't so until Juan says so. I also hope if anything happens that Juan does not embed the tweet so I can watch twenty people at once bitch about it in the thread. The real joy behind his breaking news stories is how upset it makes his followers who eagerly stand by refreshing their phones waiting for his updates so they can cry each time he purposely does not wait a second to "embed a tweet". I love it and hope it continues myself!
  18. He is a different beast than many all together. Had the privilege of making his acquaintance the past two seasons and regularly spending some time with him so I am probably biased but he has the best attitude of any young athlete I have ever watched, witnessed, worked with or alongside. One of the most humble and generally decent humans you will meet. No matter how busy he was the guy always had time to talk to a child and help/offer words of encouragement. Adversity built that guy into something special. He is no joke and will prove any doubters very wrong at the next level. I was so blown away by who he is as a human being and a work ethic like I have never seen before and I've been around a ton of quite accomplished athletes the past 20 years. There is something special about this young man, it shines through when you talk to him for just 30 seconds. A good soul and motivated heart is an understatement when describing him.
  19. I have never questioned the overall intelligence of any general Seattle resident. Beautiful area but one of the largest collections of some of the dumbest in the dark head buried in the sand numbskulls I have have ever seen or encountered.
  20. Oh yeah everyone is old and aged here except for you of course. You are most definitely the only young up and coming cutting edge thinker around this site.
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