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Ricky Prickles

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  1. I would think he gets the full season no matter what to either show us he is developing or not. Either way he needs the full season so we can make a decision on him.
  2. You must be new here or something? There are some miserable fat guys in these parts. They are going to be pissed off no matter what. I think it's all the chicken wing grease and the nacho cheese maybe.
  3. First practice jitters. Over the course of many months those who doubt him will lose all doubt. He is the real deal and will slowly prove it even with a bad first day by his standards.
  4. He is just the same being a fun loving friendly never has anything but positive vibes country boy in person alone with no cameras on kinda guy. Im telling you from personal experience, if he gets this in the NFL he will turn into a franchise face, a team leader by example and a guy who always does the right thing no matter what. All he has to do is be who he is and go hard as he always does and his entire demeanor will be infectious to the entire team. He wont fail and will turn out in years to come better than many taken before him, I would stake almost anything on that.
  5. I always liked him and hope he has great success and makes it to the NFL as a head coach one day if that is a future goal of his.
  6. Im keeping hopes up as high as possible with each new year being like a rebirth but at this point im also being realistic and refuse to fool myself AGAIN so I am not let down AGAIN. I hope for a great turnaround but I certainly wont be putting any money on it and definitely not going to be surprised if its bad again and we are looking for our next franchise QB all over again as disappointing as it is to say.
  7. I think most of those 35% probably just dont give a crap either way and probably filled out their surveys without reading the questions and or just paid no attention because we havent been any good in so long.
  8. That rocket surgery stuff is where it's at. I was about to get into that field but opted to go get my doctorate of gummy bear making. To this day I still regret doing surgery on gummy bears instead of my true calling which was surgery on rockets.
  9. Of course, how many years in a row do we have a training camp superstar who never shows up during the season? He could look like the second coming of a cross between Patrick Mahomes and Drew Brees in practice and I would still want to see it in the regular season to believe it.
  10. Fall would seem more like it. November maybe? He can take his time and fully heal in my eyes. Not like we will be fighting for a super bowl yet anyhow is the way i see it.
  11. Day 1 after first light practice in no pads. I would wait till they actually start practicing first to see if he fails again.
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