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Ricky Prickles

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Everything posted by Ricky Prickles

  1. Kirk Cousins and jail time.....? So let me get this straight........OJ can chop a couple peoples heads off and walk around free but Kirk Cousins gets jail time? Okay that HAS to be false because the justice system is an even bigger joke than I initially thought it was if this is true. Does make me laugh though!
  2. God they all need to buy if I had to pick a couple I would say RB Sanders and would love to see Tremble start making some huge differences in games. He has shown a few flashes so would love to see it consistently.
  3. Who do you suggest we get for depth? Even with him "blowing", he HAS to be better than the turnstiles we had blocking last season coached by people that didn't seem to even give a poo.
  4. I hope he is recovering good. @Mr. Scot if you read this, get well soon my man.
  5. I feel similarly as well. Would definitely like to see us go WR, edge and OC too. I also saw the name Marshawn Lloyd on the list. That guy is pretty talented and I think could be a diamond in the rough for sure at RB if we went that way as well later in the draft.
  6. I hope he turns out to be a reliable depth signing for us and is capable of protecting a QB. I don't know if it was just terrible coaching or terrible players but it felt like last year that most of our line just forgot that they were in the NFL and forgot that they were paid to block unfortunately.
  7. I take it the most pressing needs are a true center, another edge rusher with some potential to get to the QB? I know WR and TE would be nice as well but I don't see many TE's worth it so probably just WR. Maybe another CB too? Center with first pick, WR with second 2nd rounder and edge rusher in third?
  8. I didn't want Chase Young anyhow. I have read too much negative on him to not believe at least some of it is true. He got paid too much and would prefer someone who doesn't have their attitude or effort in question multiple years.
  9. I wouldnt trade out of this position and would use on a BPA. If somebody wants to trade up from a lower spot and offer us something like a 4th rounder this year I would just tell them to pound sand and keep our pick. This is one pick away from a first rounder and we need it.
  10. Difference in Burns and Brown though. Brown actually plays with heart. I do see where you are coming from though and yes, two first rounders for almost anyone other than a franchise QB could very well be worth it as long as we dont have Fitt. drafting those pics. My hope is Morgan is a much better drafter than Fitt was.
  11. Could one not say the same for your response here?
  12. Unfortunately I have the same worry but will remain hopeful at least for this upcoming season that we will see great improvement. Im not fooling myself or going to live in dream land but I will remain hopeful and root for him to come out looking amazing and like night and day from last season.
  13. I feel the same way. I wouldn't touch Caleb Williams if I were the Bears.
  14. I would at least hire Rhule's wife as a running back scout.
  15. Where I come from we call that SMART and most definitely not cheap.
  16. This definitely. 3 million sure does beat 0
  17. Yikes, I wasnt even aware that happened? Yeah Bryce's dad should definitely keep quiet and let the guys in charge make those decisions without his input.
  18. His name sounds like he could have played a little linebacker for the Mud Dogs back in the day alongside Bobby Boucher.
  19. Shipley out of Clemson does intrigue me for sure. He seems like he really could turn into a hidden gem with what I saw out of him in college. I think he may be being overlooked by many.
  20. Not me. Id rather spend the tiny amount to drive up the street from my house and pick it up myself. They charge outrageous prices for delivery any more. Its basically like $10-$12 bucks extra just to deliver if you factor in tip as well. I would most definitely rather drive 3 minutes and pick it up myself these days.
  21. I dont know much about him but I see some responses saying he is injured a lot. How injured are we talking? One game or so each season or half of every season or more missed like Horn?
  22. Depends on which pizza place of course. Some I wouldnt trust to pick my toilet paper yet other pizza delivery guys seem very much one part pizza dude and the other part philosophical critical thinker. Definitely give me a critical thinker.
  23. You are talking much too sensible for some people here unfortunately. Everything you said makes complete sense so there are a few of us who feel the same way it seems.
  24. I dont know what it is about him but, I have just never liked him and always felt like he is fake on camera then a real nozzle off camera. I have recently thought the same of Stetson Bennett when I saw him interviewed a number of times while at Georgia. Both of them strike me as the type who would tell someone they meet that "This ass aint gonna eat itself" while potentially reciting cheesy corporate poster motivational picture art quotes as their servant begins the said munching.
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