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About theguy

  • Birthday 12/01/1984

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  1. Maybe an outlier opinion, but Scott Fowler needs to grow up. That piece reads like amateur hour mud slinging.
  2. That's Dilworth Neighborhood Grille. Typical bar food but a cool spot.
  3. What'd he say? The tweet wasn't embedded.
  4. Y'all seriously think Tepper is out here picking uniform colors?
  5. The torrent of helplessness swept me away To the cavern of shame and the hall of dismay
  6. "The visit was just that, a visit." WTF is that supposed to mean? "It's not a visit like we're thinking of signing him or he's thinking of signing, it's a visit like when you visit your Aunt Sue because she gives such nice Christmas presents and you're just catching up."
  7. I remember going to the Hornets draft party in 2014 and the PR folks had cutouts of draft options that attendees were supposed to vote on as most likely picks. We ended up drafting Cody Zeller, who wasn't one of the cutout options available to be voted on. That's about how in tune I think social media / PR folks are with regard to the plans and draft strategy of the FO
  8. Not sure how JB can be considered underachieving when he's won more than projected every season he's been here Awful thread
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