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Status Updates posted by Jackofalltrades

  1. Any good news on Moore out of South Beach? Hoping he does well and finds a home and a starting gig.

  2. As for your question in my rep- I and many others have tried and failed. It honestly defies belief.

  3. At post 101, we had to cut down on spammers.

  4. Awesome video as always, can you do something for Smith since he's on pace for a career yardage season? Much thanks man, really love your work.

  5. Backing into the postseason

  6. Came to echo Kurb's sentiment, that's pushing it a little far. Personally I love them both, but they're definately inappropriate for this forum.

  7. Check out my custom title  

  8. Didn't offend me at all and I know our lockerroom isn't without it's character flaws. However, as a mod, I have to infract, or in your case warn, when someone insults another member by name calling. Minor thing, just trying to be fair and proactive.

  9. Dude, you should have seen Beason in the sleeveless Under Armour T at Camp the other day. Man's arms are HUGE!

  10. Epic pic above, I'll have to visit your page more often.

  11. Hey bro, PM me asap please.

  12. Hoarding all the rep are ya?

  13. How do you know I didn't?

  14. I asked to resign as a moderator but my request went ignored for months. Kurb took some of the powers away, but I'll still abuse what I can. Why?

  15. I thought you had eluded to such in the past, but wasn't sure. Though he disagree on quite a bit I always get a lot out of reading your posts. As far as the economy is concerned, you're preaching to the choir. Do you live in the Charlotte area?

  16. I'm with biscuit, that poo is disgusting.

  17. It's fine man, while true I'm just giving you a hard time. No way for you to know.

  18. Love your pic above. Some of my ancestors are from the Highlands, others from Glasgow area.

  19. Pie really doesn't mean anything, it's a fairly new thing. Typically you give pie to someone if you like their post. I prefer to give rep, but you can only do that so often. Rep accumulates and is fairly credible when determining someone's actual rep on the board. Before the site was hacked I have 800+ rep and over 10k posts, but I haven't been on here a whole lot since then. You'll notice the rules are a lot more relaxed here and it's more about fun than strict football talk. Unlike Scout and Eddie's joint there aren't any mods here that are just itching to put someone in their place or ban them. This is a pretty liberal place. If there's anything else I can help you with please let me know at your earliest convenience.

  20. Sorry if I'm really behind, but are you a shrink?

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