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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. He might be the notorious Chuck that haunted this place so long.
  2. You don't know what's going on behind those eyes. It's like he's looking right through you.
  3. They should just use his press conference photo with the blank stare.
  4. You are getting slack around here. Stop sulking and get them tweets!
  5. Of the 3 visiting I was hoping they would at least sign this guy.
  6. You are not Jaun. Fake news.
  7. Thank you for the insight. I will not blame them for passing on Young.
  8. They are going to have to get together and decide on who's going to post those damn things. Even when it works you get multiple posts of the same tweet. Nerds.
  9. It sad when you have to add screen caps. Love the freehand pointers though.
  10. Cash only accepted. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  11. I'm an IT professional. Just unplug it and wait 2 minutes before you plug it back in. If that doesn't work call the manufacturer or throw it out the window. Your bill is in the mail.
  12. Yeah, put the 2 together and you might get the production of an average edge. But that was all we had anyway so it's a start.
  13. That sounds about right. It's the Panthers way.
  14. If I were a betting man I would say all of last years draft has to prove themselves this season or they may be subject to replacement. The new staff doesn't have any attachments with these guys so it's not just Bryce who has to show something.
  15. Okay, you're crazy. Sorry, that's as far as I got.
  16. The little poo finally got on my nerves enough to where I joined the chorus of bitching about it. I think more than a few of us do not want to join the click bait parade and are just tired of the crap. But to each his own. I just do not click on the links.
  17. Yeah he's about to lose his only contribution to the forum to @Jackie Lee because he doesn't know how to embed a tweet. Lost on a technical glitch. Poor kid. What will he do with his life now?
  18. I'm not believing it until Jaun posts it.
  19. With this team? Nothing. I'm never excited by any moves this team makes. The only thing that would get me excited would be if they rack up 3 wins and still had games left to play. That would mean they bettered their record and actually might double it.
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