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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. Damn, out of pie again! I've given out more pie in the last 3 days than I have in the last 3 years.
  2. Phil would never do anything like that now come on.
  3. Let the liquor do the thinking Randy.
  4. That game was so exciting and incredibly hilarious The look on the crypt keeps face was worth a million dollars. I wish we still had a gif of that around here somewhere.
  5. I just pretend it is a mistake and keep on rolling.
  6. I have to admit I love that show.
  7. Great point. I would add that although your benchmark for hitting the wall is as much dependent on the QB/RB and whether they even make that mark. Personally I think it's a mistake to use your QB like a RB as much as some teams do. But coaches are under pressure to win. And when they don't have enough talent or just simply can't come up with an offense to be competitive then this is what you see. If you want to call something college or even worse junior varsity it would be that.
  8. I just hope they come out of the game in one piece. The last think they need is to lose more olinemen.
  9. I doubt very seriously Tepper had any input on his coordinator hires. Rhule is responsible for the entire teams performance so why wouldn't he get to hire who he wanted? No sir, Rhule knows who helped him get to the big show and he was wise to bring Snow along.
  10. I have to admit that I look a lot more like Phil Snow than I do Jon Snow. I know right?
  11. Well I thought he would play more than he has myself. Who knew?
  12. I would wager there's a pint stashed in his office somewhere.
  13. You too?! Damn, just a little bit of success and it's pro bowls and super bowls all over again. Damn it's going to be a long season.
  14. This^ They've discussed the Thursday night matchup every hour all day long on the NFL network today. Panthers are getting some attention.
  15. It's early, give it time and it will be league wide on the losing teams. We are just so use to the oline letting us down that we've come to expect it.
  16. Well it may happen this time. Hell of a way to get a new stadium.
  17. I see he got drunk and passed out in his office again.
  18. Well they had to get someone in those slots to hold it down until a better option presents itself. The cupboard is bare around the league for long term solutions so its take what you can get in FA and hope your draft picks work out. Rinse and repeat until you can get enough of a competent line together that you can keep your qb upright long enough to run your offense.
  19. All fans deride their teams oline in some form or fashion. It comes with the territory for those guys.
  20. Unfortunately this is true. I'm not expecting this lineup to last very long.
  21. To be fair it was a long shot he made it through the season without injury benching him anyway.
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