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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. I keep forgetting that Charlotte is low country and you right. I've been in the mountains so long I've forgotten what the summers are like down there. I lived in Greensboro for 10 years and New Bern for 3 years. Been up on the mountain for 20 and never coming down. Our summer is almost over already. Fall is in the air and the squirrels are working overtime.
  2. I get it, I have witnessed every iteration of lineup since inception along with you. It's just easier said than do.
  3. It was reported that it's much hotter on the field now. That was an obvious side effect going from grass to turf. It won't be a problem next month.
  4. They have to throw in the towel before we get up on them by 5 touchdowns. If not, we go up in them deeeeeeep.
  5. They are the only option for the moment. Let the man cook! You guys have zero patience.
  6. You actually listen to anyone here? Brother you have a lot to learn.
  7. Only one for the current administration. Keep it real.
  8. That was stated on page 1 and repeated on page 2. Like you I cannot find any reason to continue this thread but I'm board.
  9. We all would like that my friend. It's just not going to magically happen in one offseason. That's is all our current GM has had to address it. No rookie has had their first start until they do. I cannot imagine these two rookies will be worse than what's been demonstrated so far. Of that I'm sure. I'm just not ready to admit defeat after one draft.
  10. You geeks and your calculators. You can't even just sit and enjoy the art of the game. You're missing the entire point of being a fan.
  11. Every team struggles to find talented olinemen, that's not unique to the Panthers. At worst they got 2 serviceable young guards in one draft. Give time man. Fitt just started cooking.
  12. I think it's kinda hilarious actually. But that's just me.
  13. Option 3 is they do value it and see it as a priority but have only had 2 drafts and shitty FA leftovers to comb through. There are many priorities to address and the offensive line is in the top 2. We still don't know if number one is fixed and Detroit screwed us out of our LT target so they followed their board and added talent wherever they could. Pretty simple actually.
  14. There's a lot more protections to learn and more refinement in technique generally needed at this level for most prospects. Some pick it up naturally some take a bit of practice. They've shown us that they can hold their own with their peers during the preseason practices. It's just a matter of getting over the shock of going up against nfl first stringers, that's what separates the men from the boys.
  15. I mean...this goes without saying.
  16. The LS will start next season. Forward thinking is never a bad thing. The question you should ask yourself is this, is the team as a whole more talented and deeper than the season before? I think you know the answer.
  17. I don't think they had a specific oline position targeted other than the LT that was taken at 7. The rest were arranged by groups regardless of the round projection. I think I heard Fitt say his cutoff for true top 10 talent was 11 or 12, I think, but that's another topic. That's why they kept trading back because the difference after the first 10 or 12 in their mind was miniscule. Apparently this draft wasn't top heavy in their minds. Don't shoot the messenger.
  18. I tend to agree but I would caution you about listening to pundits. They don't lose their jobs if they are wrong. But just watching the game you can obviously see the tackles are not our problem. Eflin is the head scratcher for me unless they just needed a backup center and even then I would have looked somewhere else. Injury and inexperience has culminated in the lineup you see now. This upcoming game may be the last time you see the current guard lineup.
  19. I don't think it's up to him. But I think I heard it mentioned on a game broadcast...or it was the voices in my head again.
  20. Not sure why the jumpe6 on Eflin so early and I agree he wasn't worth signing. Maybe because he can be a backup center? Erving I get because he is a natural LT, albeit not one you sign long term. It appears the hope was to get some help in the draft, which they did accomplish. Now it's just a matter of finding out if there's a competent starter among them. The view from the cheap seats appears that they just might have gotten 2 from the draft. That's a good start with Moton locked in.
  21. I think it was just a gamble he chose to try that had minimal to no impact on the outcome of the game. Rhules a gambler, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. This is a nothing burger.
  22. I have it on good authority that Rhule did it just to piss you off. But you didn't hear that from me.
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