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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. My thoughts e a toy kill that feel good momentum oh yeah and let’s not run where the 2 best oline players are
  2. Momma’s in the house we need to bring her to Charlotte every Sunday
  3. Truth hurts he cant unless it’s the 4th qtr in a game already won by the opponent with 1 min left then, we can all thump our chests with our participation trophy and talk about ‘growth’
  4. He is patting the ball before he throws it it is telling the defense when to jump up that's what I see. … it’s one thing f he does that and goes the opposite way but so far, that’s not the case
  5. From what I’ve seen, Young does not scare NFL defenses…not with his legs or his arm or his sturdiness in the pocket and that is a problem if that ball isn’t out of his hands in 3 seconds or less, it’s over …there’s very little off script play making I want to drink the koolaide but it’s not there for me Yes, he is a rookie, yes it’s a new scheme, yes the talent on the Panthers is not the best, but I honestly do not see Young age an ascendant QB, not in the NFL. he is, frankly, painful to watch It feels pro ponderously hopeless to watch him I will be thrilled to be wrong. The Texans defense is hardly world beaters, I’d really like to see what they saw in him when it matters…not in garbage time …with the ball in his hands to win a game, can he? I don’t know
  6. It is simply mind boggling knowing how paper thin this oline was, and with two vets coming back from surgery, that nothing was done to bulk up that oline They also know they had a probable scheme fit mismatch same is true of the CB position…they know horn is made of glass…they know what DJAX and CJ are in a pass happy league what this front office and coaching staff focuses on is simply not palatable anymore want better play, fix the damned oline Have backups for it. Make it a priority sick if it. Tired and sick Fitterer. Leave, just go
  7. And runs them so the qb knows where he is …a concept that seems foreign to every other receiver in the roster
  8. You won’t see one for the Panthers anytime soon not even the threat of it
  9. He said today quoting NFL NETWORK ’im concerned with greatness, not wins and losses’
  10. I purposely did not bring that up I think the guy is a total dirt bag, always have, and his actions, along with millions of others, cause incredible pain for adults who have most likely been sex Trafficked and he should have been jailed I don’t know the laws in Florida on the sex trade or how he got out of it. the work place however, is not part of the sex trade…it is a workplace and no one should have to undergo that bullshit and then live in fear that if reported it, may never work again. I met JR by accident on club level a couple of times. He couldn’t have been nicer but that excuses nothing
  11. Lot of difference in going outside the franchise vs doing his stupid ass rub and tug outside of people who worked for him women and African Americans put up with enough poo outside work. They shouldn’t have to put up with in inside of it kraft sucks to mind you…just stating the difference in analogy
  12. Reich did, was it the second or third, press conference barely looking up from the podium he has no fire and the NFL demands it …you want injured players…tired players to walk through fire for ya, it ain’t gonna happen that way you have to believe when you lead…Frank doesn’t …his body language says it tepper also gave Frank what he asked for…that ‘all star’ staff lol Therefore, Tepper expects return in the investment and he isn’t getting it I believe Tepper also hedged his bets this time and hired the guy who brings in the 2 young coordinators who at the end of this year replaces Reich in case Reich fails failing was predictable when systems are put in place the current personnel does not match as for me, well, as the country song goes, ‘my give a damn’ is broken
  13. The earlier you leave Sunday morning the better. Gates open at 11. I always left by 830 to 845am. After the game is bad..but once you get on 85 about 8 miles outside of Charlotte it’s fine I had to move to the Palm Springs area…family illness…I miss Raleigh and the weather a lot
  14. Yep. I’m tied into the end of next year. I had hoped when they change was made from Ron to Rhule, a qb would be+drafted. Stupid I got a signed McCaffrey helmet for my trouble lol Add to it, I had an unexpected move this year, so I sell them for whatever the market will bear and I feel not bad about it at all. had the seats since 2000 and bought individual tickets since 1995 i used to enjoy it No more Living through Capers, Siefert, Fox, Rivera, Rhule, know this, I regret renewing but I should’ve known better everything has a season
  15. My ‘give a damn’ is well broken with the Tepper version of the Panthers That said, perhaps Jaycee Horn and the other hamstring injured will return to save the day…for a game or two anyway..that’s all he is good for Pro football is all about the team identity and talent selection in free agency and drafting well to fit that identity …this version does none of that. I see nothing in the future is going to change that I am sick and tired of watching Tepper’s brain trust tilt at windmills for $6 grand a year …and handing out contracts to the likes of Miles and Donte and letting Hanson, Gilmore, CMC and Moore walk. There is a price to pay for thinking ‘I’m the smartest guy in the room’ and anyone who is dumb enough like me to support anything Tepper touches me, pays that price.
  16. Ok. Again. We see different things I hope you are right
  17. No what I’ve said is a QB needs to show the ability to elevate himself and his team and if not the ability, the promise of the ability. i do not see that. ….at all. i have not seen that in any game the young man has been in and I continue to say he has neither the arm or the legs to scare a nfl defense and that is a problem as the noose around his neck will get tighter and tighter as a result. he is a game manager, not a star, and all pieces must be present for game managers at the pro level he plays scared I believe in 3 years, maybe less, the Panthers will be starting over I hope I’m wrong. … then again, having bought tickets and PSLs since 1995, my give a damn is pretty broken particularly with the people calling the shots ..I leave it for younger people to buy tickets
  18. And Fitterer dazzling with his Scouting dept
  19. If I were a coach, CJ Henderson would never see the field. Ever
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