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Everything posted by panthers55

  1. I dont know what an outlier is in football frankly given that every team runs multiple offensive schemes and even teams like New England who most folks think pass all the time still run the ball over 40% of the time. We are very similar to Seattle and while we havent had the same success we use a similar formula and hopefully will have similar success this year. We have been in cap hell the last few years which they have not but might be soon. So dont be surprised if the worm turns and they fade while we start to surge.
  2. First of all you dont ignore Wilson's runs just like you dont ignore Newton's runs as part of the running game unless you want to change the facts to suit your argument. Seattle ran the ball 525 times out of a total of 1021 plays for a run percentage of 52% which is what I said. They run the ball more then they pass. Secondly they absolutely use play action all the time. Here is an article discussing it. This was analysing the 2013 season but it noted that Seattle led the league in play action while we were 4th. http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stat-analysis/2014/2013-play-action-offense As for the spread versus other offenses, all teams run versions of the spread as well as several other offenses so saying that a team is a spread offense when talking about most any team besides Philadelphia is not very accurate. Here is an article that might help explain to you why Seattle utilizes a power run game but does so often out of the one back set and how that compares to traditional power running schemes. The modern day power running game uses a lot more deception and multiple sets than in the past but it is still considered a power running game. http://www.fieldgulls.com/2012/12/27/3808788/an-old-favorite-returns-to-the-seahawks-offense So the reality is that absolutely Seattle uses play action and a power running game to match their strong defense. That is their offensive formula and it is exactly what we are going to try to do this year as well.
  3. yeah because Seattle runs the ball more than they pass and look how well they did last year. They weren't successful at all. What? You say they made it to the superbowl with a strong defense and rushing attack. But they were just lucky one year right? What? You said they went to the Superbowl 2: years in a row with the same formula? Oh well then never mind........
  4. I agree we are going to run it more and that we still have one of the best tight ends in the league. I dont think that the receiver situation is as dire as you suggest. Sure Benjamin is a big loss but last year we didn't have Ginn, Brown was a rookie, and Bersin was not very strong or polished. Funchess could have a good year, Cotchery is still a reliable vet and Boykin showed a flash or two in the exhibition game. The biggest problems for the passing game last year was lack of running attack, a poor offensive line, and Cam who was healthy for roughly 4 games last year. With those things improved and the ability to gain chemistry between Cam and the receivers this year given he is here for the offseason and preseason, I think we will actually be better than last year. I have faith in Proehl to maximize what we have and get Funchess ready to play at a high level. Now that Benjamin is gone he is going to have to step up as are everyone else. Finally I think that we will pick someone up in preseason to fill the gap if we don't think we have the guys already here.
  5. What is laughable is thinking your opinion is more knowledgeable than Rivera or Gettleman. Talk about megalomania.
  6. When was the last time we knew that our cast offs will most likely make a team. And we are hoping to stash them on our practice squad instead of picking up other folks players. The depth has surely improved.
  7. Is it possible a bunch of those issues last year were having no wide receivers who had been in the system except for Bersin and a very inexperienced O line?. If Williams and Stewart were doing the same thing after being in the system then blame Shula. But they weren't making those mistakes. If it was the OC alone then things wouldn't have gotten better over the course of the season and yet they did as the new guys gained more experience and learned the system. seriously, why can't we wait until until the regular season to bash him for this year. The first preseason game hasn't happened yet and the whining is ridiculous about something that hasn't even happened this year.
  8. Considering those supporters are Rivera and Gettleman, the joke is on you.
  9. In 2012 it was 22.4 and in 2013 it was 22.9. Not the same. As for 2011 versus 2014, given Cam only played 14 games total and he was only healthy for 4 of the 16 it is hardly a fair comparison. Botton line under Chud we won 13 games while under Shula we won 19. Sure the defense was better but Shula's ball control offense is a part of the reason the defense is better. Chud worried about moving the ball in chunks and didn't focus on controlling the clock or moving the chains. So we had plenty of yards but a bunch of 3 and outs and gave the opponent the ball too often with short fields. It was fun to watch but didn't result in the wins it should have.
  10. Problem is that total yards which you are using, counts for nothing in terms of wins or losses. Points do. Go look up if we scored more points per game in 2012 under Chud or in 2013 under Shula. Hint: it wasnt Chud. Quantity stats like total yards may make a difference to casual fans but not to serious posters. Plus relative ratings like top 10 or top 15 are meaningless as well. The difference between a top 10 or top 20 offense in terms of total yards may be one series or perhaps 50 yards a game..
  11. I suspect he will be able to scheme around the O line. He has plenty of experience doing it the past 2 years. But don't be surprised if he is still here going forward. The people in the orgnization making decisions dont seem to have any problem with him.
  12. Stats dont always equate to wins. Many of Chud's yards and points where scored when we were behind and in losing efforts with clearly the best talent we have had on offense in the past 4 years. He was more out for himself and the numbers than he was for the team and for wins.
  13. And how long have we had the physical talent? The general consensus across the league last year was that we had the poorest offensive talent in the league. Frankly this year there are those who still who question our offensive talent. Many of the guys we are expecting to be major contributors this year are rookies or very young. Given what he has had to work with, he has done a very good job in my opinion. You can be the best chef in the world but if you get handed a pile of crap it is probably still going to taste like crap.
  14. Cam gets his unfair amount of criticism as well but you have to admit that there are a lot more folks who give Cam a pass then give Shula one. Honestly, I hate having to defend the guy all the time given I dont think he is that great, but I feel that he gets a lot of unfair criticism stemming back from what happened a decade ago. As for Newton you obviously dont remember that I was one of the first posters to advocate drafting him and defended him from the unfair criticism he received. I have his jersey and proudly wear it to many games. Truth is it took many of you time to join me. The same with Kuechly and this year with Funchess. I have been on the bandwagon of these guys from day 1.
  15. in the media Cam doesn't get a pass but around here the hypocrisy between how Can is treated versus Shuls really is ridiculous.
  16. He seems the whipping boy for every offensive problem while the players like Cam get a pass because people recognize he didn't have a great supporting cast. What is funnier still is that everyone commends Cam for all his accomplishments without mentioning that Shuls took him from a guy who knew very little and has improved him every year.
  17. If Rivera waits until week 8 then that is how long it took for the staff to get him ready to start. This whole notion that Rivera only plays veterans until he has to put in new guys is really stupid. Didnt he start Cam day 1 as a rookie? Star? Luke at Will, Benjamin last year. The list is really long. Putting in a rookie is always risky and in our defense, it can be disasterous particularly in the back 7. Everything is based on accountability and being where you have to be on each and every play. One guy out of position and you give up a big play. It takes time to learn this system which is why except for Luke few if any rookies start in this defense day 1 out of linebackers and secondary personnel. The Offense is pretty complicated as well. Obviously each player is unique but the whole notion that coaches would not play the best guy is ridiculous. And to assume that Ron is not a good judge of talent given the rest of the coaches and Gettleman as wel as his pedigree is stupid as well.
  18. Do you remember why Norman did not start last year? I do. What they saw was that Norman wasn't where he needed to be to much of the time which is critical in our defense and was fundamentally unsound. It wasn't his talent level but his maturity. As the season unfolded he did what he asked to do and improve tremendously. Hence the reason they Cason was released. I thought Godfrey was playing safety not corner??
  19. Once again it is untrue that those veterans shouldnt have played over the guys who eventually replaced them. At the time the season started, the guys who eventually replaced them for the most part, where not ready to assume starting roles. Chandler for example was really our own option until Remmers was signed at the end of October. Then Remmers had to be trained and learn the offense and gel with the team. He was actually thrown in there early than ideal but did much better than anyone expected. The same thing could be said about the other guys you mentioned. It is totally naive to think that you can just plug a guy in and he can play at a high level especially if he is a rookie. That only happens in Madden.
  20. That is just stupid logic that is unfounded. They make changes when they feel that the guy who is starting is not as good as the guy who is backing him up. We started 7 rookies last year and that was not all due to injury. Sometimes we use injury to say that is why we are making the change to preserve the veteran's ego but Rivera has not been unwilling to start a rookie over a veteran and will make changes when he feels they are ready to start. Most times you may be forced to play a rookie earlier than you would like due to injury but you didnt play them just because of injury, the injury just made you act sooner than you would liked. If Williams starts in week five due to Oher struggling or being injured it will be because he needed that long or longer to be ready. If he does well it would be a stretch to say he should have started all year.
  21. So does Oher suck or have Addison and Alexander picked up their game and are playing very well early in camp. I am hoping for the latter and and not the former. I suppose the preseaason games will tell the tale.
  22. My youngest son is 15 and plays sports at a high level and gets trophies only for winning now. As a child he got all the participatory trophies. A year or two ago he took all of those trophies and packed them away saying they didn't count and weren't worth keeping. He got themessage and is anything besides a wuss and wasn't hurt by the experience. I would think kids who they are referring to never play anything at a high level and likely needed trophies to build their self esteem as a child. Truth is if they continue in sports beyond 10, they figure it out and aren't hurt by awards won as a small child for participation.
  23. That makes sense if the goal is to sell merchandise at heavily discounted rates. But if it to sell Amazon Prime memberships then you have folks sign up not knowing what is going to be on sale hoping to find something. Otherwise you would look at the catalogue and if nothing jumped out you wouldn't sign up for prime. Because you don't know many folks will sign up just to see what goes on sale. BTW if you are a student you can sign up for six months of prime free and buy the yearly membership for half price. You need an email that ends in edu. And no I am not postng a link just giving folks the heads up.
  24. I am glad there is competition and whoever wins will each bring something to the team that compelled them to keep them. It should make preseason games worth watching this year as the quality of the depth improves. It will be nice to have a roster where everyone can come in and fill the hole without a ton of drop off when needed. It might make it easier for our coaches to teach the nuances of the game instead of focusing on teaching jags the basics because they are so raw and inexperienced.
  25. You seem a little ahead of me. You make good points and I will have to reconsider my opinion. I have just disliked him so intensely for that cheap shot on Smitty among others that it is hard to see him in any other light. I don't like the Saints and he seemed to embody everything I disliked about them. I can't say he has done anything like that here so maybe he was highly suggestible to negative influences. Maybe he will be highly susceptible to positive influences as well. Food for thought, thanks.
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