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Everything posted by teeray

  1. Best place for him and likely the only place he could get a good contract since they have too much money to spend
  2. That is some scary poo right there
  3. We just don't wear theM here in NC. Our women are clean
  4. There has to be a "optimal tip to tip effeciency" joke in here somewhere.
  5. Fug that guy. Didn't he cuss out our fans because he is an asshole after he got ejected? Or was that some other Rams asshole?
  6. Im confused. I did or he did? Who tripped is what I am asking? I don't recall ever having said anything about a play being called for him.
  7. He isn't a #1 or #2 guy, but people underestimate the value he brings on ST and his speed at WR. Mitchell and Ginn were the only two people I was sorry to see go from 2013 roster. Ginn doesn't solve all our problems but he definitely eliminates some of our problems.
  8. He wasn't a bad receiver, just terrible on punt returns. Not at all upset by this
  9. He opens up so much on offense. He will be our punt returner, but I think he will see plenty of time on the field as a WR too. He is a playmaker, just have to deal with some drops every now and then
  10. We missed Ginn this year. This would be a great pick up
  11. Suh is great but that contract is rediculous. They are paying QB money for a DT
  12. teeray

    Bad friend

    Also, I hope this doesn't come off as sexist, but women are weird with this kind of stuff. My wife is the same way, if a friend is acting weird she will try to decipher everything on her own, or talk to me or a girlfriend about it. But me and my friends have never had a problem calling each other out on our bullshit. Just say, "What's up? Why do you keep doing this? Did I piss you off or something?" Doesn't need to be bitchy, just matter of factly. Then go from there. My 2 cents anyway
  13. teeray

    Bad friend

    It is really weird, but I have developed social anxiety issues over the past 3 or 4 years. And I was one of the most social people you could ever meet when I was in college and a young professional. It is really a bizarre thing. I want to go out and meet up with some friends, but then at the last second get totally stressed out for no reason and make up an excuse not to go, then feel really guilty about it. I play poker and even then I feel highly stressed before, and often bail at the last minute on games. I often have to kind of force myself to go and even then sometimes break out in nervous sweats on the way to the game. This is the weirder part of it. If my wife forces me to go out like say to her friend's party, I bitch and moan and get quiet the whole way to a party or something. Then once I get there I am, usually, totally fine. If I am still feeling stressed I just drink. I am not sure if Lola's friend is having a similar problem, but social anxiety can be a bitch.
  14. The documentary "Room 237"? About all the different theories of hidden meanings like native American genocide and poo like that in The Shining? Good stuff. Enjoyed it
  15. I love that people use the Seahawks Percy Harvin example (who I think maybe only played the first half of the first game and Super Bowl that year) as an example. But what about the two rings the Ravens have and the statue of the guy accused of MURDER outside their stadium?
  16. I hope so at some point. I hope we don't get the weekly updates like we did for Beason or Smitty with a bunch of people either pouting or gloating. I am really not that upset about it. I would rather spend the money on Cam and Luke. But it is also frustrating to draft a guy, develop him, and make him a star so someone else can reap the benefits just as he is entering his prime.
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