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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. Butker is definitely better than Slye, and Hurney screwed up. I was pissed when we spent a pick on Butker only to let KC have him and keep the older, more expensive Gano. But we should probably caveat Slye's overall fg numbers from last year. I mean two of his misses would have been at or near the NFL record, 63 and 67 yards respectively I believe. When you require your kicker to set a new NFL record in order to win or tie a game, well the odds aren't going to be in your favor no matter who your kicker is.
  2. I understand if he was testing Grier's ability to hold the lead. But most of the second half was run/run/pass/punt with mostly third string players. Grier didn't get much of a chance to do anything other than hand the ball off and throw a handful of short passes (and one or two longer ones). While its possible that Grier might be in that situation, its highly unlikely that we would be playing with that particular group of players. If we are, then we are in big big trouble. So I am not sure what could be accomplished. Of course, this will have almost no impact on the season, and in a couple of weeks, it will be mostly forgotten. But I found the comment interesting and unusual.
  3. Sorry to hear that. A previous variant went thru our house in Jan/Feb timeframe. It sucks. Good news is once they recover, they will be fairly well protected, doubly so if they get the vaccine.
  4. He missed one extra point. And a 60 plus yard fg. He isn't getting cut over that. Don't get me wrong, I wish we had someone better, but Slye is safe for now.
  5. You don't have to explain anything to me. Been watching football since 1977, and I have never once heard a coach talk about icing the game early in the fourth qtr of a preseason game, especially with a one score lead. Its unusual. Probably means nothing as its preseason, and the majority of players that were in the game won't see the field much, if at all. But most coaches, even the conservative ones like Fox and Rivera, want to see what the third string qb can do. In fact, when Rivera was here, preseason fourth qtr was Joe Webb's time to shine.
  6. Generally, I agree. But I heard Rhule's comments on the postgame show. He said they were running more when Grier was in because they were trying to ice the game. I found that comment a little scary in that at no point in the second half were we really in a position to ice the game by running out the clock. I looked it up, and Will Grier threw it ten times in the second half, compared to PJ's 21 times in the first half. So it seems they really were trying to ice the game. Hopefully you are right and they were just trying to practice that aspect, but it seems a strange thing to say and do. But if they try to ice a real game with a one score lead in the fourth qtr, Rhule will be back coaching in college sooner rather than later.
  7. I watched it on WFMY in Greensboro, seemed fine. Wouldn't they have the same feed?
  8. While Grier hasn't played poorly, he certainly hasn't shown anything that might move him up in the qb pecking order.
  9. Taunting. Steve Smith just said that if he had to play with today's rules, he would have lost a lot of money. Might be homeless.
  10. I am not a fan of Grier, but that wasn't on him. Grier's one and only pass hit the receiver in the hands.
  11. Good throw by Grier, receiver just didn't catch it.
  12. Looked like something we might see from second and third string players at the end of the first half of the first preseason game.
  13. Every year, they show the game on the local channel, but it doesn't show up in the guide. Not sure why, but I am watching it on WFMY right now.
  14. I think the same thing I thought last year. They will struggle early, but get better as the season goes along. Last season, we had a very rough start, went thru a stretch where we couldn't force a punt. By the end of the season, we had gotten to the point some decency on defense, and improved over the previous year. I think we will be a little better this year, and will end up somewhere in the middle of the pack statistically.
  15. Meh, don't really care anyway. Preseason games mean very little for the starters.
  16. I agree, they are very talented. IMO, as long as they stay sharp mentally, avoid the injury bug and Brady's arm doesn't fall off, they are the favorites to win it again.
  17. It has hit him. Doesn't have the deep ball that he did. And back in the old days, he made some pretty average offensive groups look great. Don't get me wrong, he is still good, and is cool as a cucumber in crunch time, but needs more talent around him to win now.
  18. If Darnold bombs, this board will be a trainwreck regardless. Fields being good will only make it worse.
  19. If we go into Nov/Dec competing for a playoff spot and we need a competent backup, wouldn't mind it. Otherwise, just don't see the need.
  20. I can't help but wonder if the "Hill is the favorite to start" mantra is simply the coaches way of motivating Winston, keeping him on edge. That being said, personally I hope Hill is the starter when we play them.
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