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Everything posted by Dex

  1. Y'all someone come get their man lmao They're both not starting caliber QBs but Trubisky has some awful decision making.
  2. Teddy was a 93 QB rating. May wanna remove them Tarheel shades from them eyes homie. QBR don't mean poo.
  4. Trubisky is one of the worst starting quarterbacks I've ever seen. Absolutely fuging not.
  5. I feel the same. I put about 150 hours into Odyssey and if it had shields like Valhalla good lawd.
  6. Hey buddy. Hold em? I'm in!
  7. Dex

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Hey @Happy Panther just wondering when my 3090 is gonna get here.
  8. Dex

    Cyberpunk 2077

    buy me a 3090 pls.
  9. Dex

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Fired it up last night for 10 minutes on my GTX 1080 and could barely get 30 frames. Waiting until I build my new PC.
  10. They changed them drastically recently. Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla are more like open world RPGs as opposed to the previous games that were linear with areas blocked off. Incredible and ballsy change.
  11. Releases tomorrow! I'm fuging hype. I watched a little of the gameplay on Twitch yesterday but don't wanna spoil it for myself. A nice little distraction before Cyberpunk 2077 drops. https://www.pcgamer.com/assassins-creed-valhalla-review/
  12. $KTOV hitting a million dollars a share this week. Currently trying to decide what color Lambo I want.
  13. Got in at $1.91 a share. It peaked at $3 and tanked when the "news" dropped. I got out but not at much of a profit. Panic sold on the way down. I've learned my lesson, buy the hype and NOT the news.
  14. Funny thing. I bought ENSV after market and when the market opened in the morning the order didn't process so I bought $XOG at $0.71 a share. Sold at $1.97 a share before market close that day. Now I've got a bunch in IZEA they're making an announcement at 3pm EST today regarding contracts with two fortune 500 companies. Wish me luck. I also sold my OXY shares at $24.33 on Monday. The market just took some major hits this week.
  15. Bought OXY at $12.24 a share a few months ago. Closed at $22.70 on Friday. Bought 1000 shares of ENSV today. Getting ready to ride this oil & energy train.
  16. I work at NBC Sports in Connecticut and we're shutting down and working from home until the 27th amid the sports cancellations and local outbreaks. Crazy!
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