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  1. Wouldn't do it for a first but pretty much anything other than that within reason I would. Aiyuk is a special WR. If Bryce pans out wonderful. If he doesn't you want to give the next guy weapons. This league has turned into an offense- pass driven league. If you can't put up points and yards in the passing game you aren't winning a superbowl
  2. I'm not a Tepper fan but after we botched the Burns trade to the Rams I'm not surprised Tepper wanted to know about any trades before hitting the send button
  3. with offenses going lighter at skill positions Chinn is actually a perfect modern day linebacker. I still have no idea why they didn't move him back after he showed he was struggling as a defensive back
  4. I think we can agree that one of the main reasons this team is so bad is because our drafts have been consistently awful for what seems like 5 years now. Fitterer definitely played a role in that
  5. Fitterer was not a good GM during his time here but he's served under successful front offices before, doesn't mean he's a bad hire. I think Fittterer ultimately will be judged for mishandling the Burns situation. The draft selections are impossible to know how much Rhule and Tepper played a hand in
  6. Very interested in both edge and honestly WR again. If the guy from Arizona turns out to be a stud and worthy of a top 5 pick I would take him But edge feels like it's going to be the move in next years draft
  7. Jonathan Vilma is by far my least favorite announcer. It's not only his antiPanthers bias that I can understand, it's that he clearly doesn't watch our team outside of the game he is currently calling, he has Facebook level commentary
  8. 7-10 would be incredible I see us winning 2-3 games
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