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Everything posted by jopie87

  1. If they have to pass, let PJ boot and tell him if there isn't anyone beyond wide open, take a dive.
  2. PJ can be a good backup, he's just incredibly green. He was the best player in XFL V2
  3. We should continue to let them hit the guy across from them. They seem to enjoy that.
  4. How the hell did the refs botch that delay of game so badly? Atlanta gets, temporarily, rewarded for running an incomplete pass back 80 yards. Dumb.
  5. It's exactly what was talked about yesterday from the Orlovsky tweet posted above. A quarterbacks feet have to be synced to the routes. If you drop back too fast and the routes haven't developed, you start hitching. You're out of rthym. He's going faster because he knows he's going to get drilled, but the routes being called don't lend themselves to a quicker drop back.
  6. He's urban Meyer without the character issues or college championships.
  7. What's insane is that after this game you will still have a ton of people calling Brady an offensive genius. I can't wait until he is someone else's problem.
  8. Every single draft pick should be an o-linemen and every single spot on the o-line should be an open competition in camp.
  9. But Minshew is good... He's going to be in the league a long time
  10. Offense needs to get the ball and win this. Defense is beyond gassed.
  11. Looked like he was trying for a strip rather than just a sack
  12. where the hell was that offense for the past, oh, month?
  13. Sam Darnold is David Carr all over again. We've done this before. It's not fun.
  14. Honestly, it could. The talented players on the team are trying to do too much because they know they have to compensate for Sam never developing more than a rudimentary ability to process what a defense is doing. CMC was trying to do too much, DJ is trying to do too much, Robbie is frustrated as hell because he escaped the NY Jets and then the Jets followed him to Carolina. Even the defense has to play differently knowing that they don't have a QB that can move the ball with an regularity. Bad QB play makes everyone else worse. Sam is making the entire team worse.
  15. I think Tepper would rather trade 37 first round picks to the Texans than even hint that Cam should be here.
  16. He wasn't ready to be an offensive coordinator in the NFL. He may be a great passing game coordinator but it is clear he was not ready for the responsibility of calling plays on Sundays.
  17. After he becomes a head coach and is exposed as a fraud. The media thinks he's the next McVay when he's really the next Josh McDaniels.
  18. Who the hell do we need to bribe to play Christensen more? You liked him enough to draft him, play him. He is not worse than who they are starting.
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