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About staffcurtis

  • Birthday 12/20/1973


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Was it just me? Because after that press conference I'd run through fire for that guy.
  2. PJ was fun to watch! I miss him too. Why they let him go made no sense to me.
  3. That hit on Cam hurt me too.... The way Sam Darnold is playing has put a lot of what ifs in my head and how we were improving that year. But instead we're still bottom dwellers. And just when I was giving some credit to Bryce we lose the way we did to the Cowboys. Thanks for letting me rant fellas.
  4. I can't think of one action more detrimental to our team. Can you?
  5. Feeling like we are a couple of adjustments from winning, but still losing and getting a top draft pick has it's advantages.
  6. No Thielen. No chance. He was Bryce’s only weapon.
  7. I know a few that have won, but know A LOT more that have lost! Only bet what you can afford to lose PERIOD. I gamble all the time and know everyday people that lose thousands of dollars, but still bet every week. Only a drug habit is worse.
  8. THIS!! I have been preaching this to all my friends. Bet every week the same amount on the panthers losing spread. Easiest free money ever made.
  9. If they trade anything for Bryce, they won't need Hill anymore.
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