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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. I think he has a plan...its just a sh*ty one.
  2. If we continue the downward spiral the fanbase will soon be almost gone.
  3. We've all forgotten about Chinn unfortunately.
  4. I don't think too many hearts would be broken.
  5. What city would even want this sh*t team?
  6. This is the lowest I've been a s a fan. The vid of the team coming down the tunnel last week was hard to watch. Players and coaches that are making millions seem to have no interest in this team.
  7. Time to have a fire sale. I cant really think of a player that's untradeable. We need a proper rebuild.
  8. "Sell the team" chants would be pretty fuggin cool.
  9. What sorry ass team lost to us after scoring more than 17? They should fire their coach for that one.
  10. Me too, as soon as we signed Ted I knew it was going to be a sh*tshow.
  11. What is it now 10 losses in a row? I think the players know how this is going to end.
  12. I think we're seeing the effects of having awful leadership at the top. The moral/effort of even good players is plummeting.
  13. I think it might be a moral booster for players going forward.
  14. But we had the #2 d last year
  15. Yep, this season was lost last year when Rhule was retained. Even if he was fired last year we probably still suck this year because of the damage hes done though. If hes fired today it will take a couple of years to recover. Nice goin tepper.
  16. Yep, also I'm pretty sure he will lose more money by keeping Rhule. Loss of ticket sales/merchandise > Rhules remaining salary.
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