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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. Its like a bad habit. Do they make a patch or some kinda gum that can help me kick this bullsh*t?
  2. He said he wants to compete for a ring...that wont happen here.
  3. We always desperately need help at positions we drafted with the previous year's 1st and 2nd round picks. lol the fugging panthers.
  4. Bills are gettin all the calls. lol
  5. My vote for worst of all time.
  6. I just hope the eagles lose. fug that team
  7. If he doesn't have a wide open target he gets a little confused. Happened when they played us. He's good but not great. Great team though.
  8. Ben Johnson stock plummeting.
  9. Well yes, no one will out darnold the darnold...he's the king.
  10. He got a bit of darnolditis at the end there, holding the ball forever.
  11. Refs again with the block! Damn
  12. I blame the refs for the texans shity oline! lol
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