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Everything posted by bigskypanthersguy

  1. I'd like to be a stickler and ask for just one favorite victory from each contributor to this thread, but I honestly am having problems just choosing one. As many here well know, the Bears '05 playoff win has great personal resonance for me. For sort of the same reason, I take a lot of satisfaction in the home game against the Saints the year before last, where we won the division in the last 50 or so seconds with Steve hurt and Domenik Hixon catching the game-winner. Of course, you can't forget X-Clown and the Rams double OT game... I guess if I really had to choose one, as exciting as the Rams game was, beating the Saints for the division with just a few seconds left was damned awesome. The Rams game meant more at the time in terms of continuing the season, but there's never a bad day when the Panthers have more points than the Saints. What say you, Huddle? What's your favorite win of the last two decades of Panther football, and why?
  2. My favorite Panther fandom personal story will always be the 05 Bears playoff game. All I heard for weeks was about how our offense didn't do a damned thing against the Monsters of the Midway. All 5'9, 175 of me was the only fan in the bar not going for Chicago. Never been more proud to get yelled at and threatened as I walked out as I was that night. Agent 89 may have had his best moment ever, that night.
  3. Maine, LilSmitty, Dex, and I all need to hit a bar in Charlotte all together, sometime, somehow.
  4. I used to say I was a Niners fan because Joe Montana and Rice were the best combo I'd ever seen...but I've come to realize I was more of a fan of that combo and those people than I was of the Niners. And so, the Panthers came across when I was just starting out on my own and they just seemed to be a team to latch onto. Liked the colors, liked the defensive concept, and no one in this state gave much of a damn about them until they played the Niners. This year I'm finally making it to Charlotte for a game...bought the ticket, am renting the hotel out of this check, and then I'm somehow saving up for the plane ticket. Can't wait. It'll be the weirdest experience of my life being around a stadium of Panthers fans...the closest I've ever come was a bar in Missoula, MT, where an entire group of Cats fans helped me take over a table to watch a Titans/Cats clash. We promptly got our asses kicked, but that seems to be every Panthers/Titans game.
  5. That must've been one laborious task, my man.
  6. Still my favorite Panther ever. Still wish he'd be more gracious about things. Still acknowledging he wouldn't be Steve if he was.
  7. They should get the Jeff Davidson/Matt Moore/Jimmy Clausen 2010 Panthers offensive performance seared into their brains, each and every one of the sonsofbitches, Clockwork Orange style.
  8. between this and Spygate, there's enough reason to banish Belichick for life now, right?
  9. He's always stricken me as a Pony Express kinda fellow.
  10. taking a Youtube/google suggestion from this place is like taking the word of the skeevy guy at the party passing out pills at 2 am. I ain't waking up on September 28th with "Jase was here" tattooed on my head again.
  11. if we somehow have a role to play in getting Lael in our uniform, this may end up topping that trolling we did of the FIxburgh Facebook page a few years ago...
  12. It'd be fascinating for you to have your own podcast, but I'm pretty sure it's a good idea for the oline guys to *not* have a means of directly contacting you.
  13. I still can't believe we got thrashed by Mark Sanchez on Monday night last year.
  14. Still not convinced they could spell cat if I spotted them the consonants.
  15. Cowboy fans think There's no evidence of this, and I struggle to think of a greater oxymoron.
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