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  1. Eventually we're going to have to get an offensive HC with the way the league is trending. I favor the Philly OC. Wilks is a nice story but I think it's over.
  2. I really want to see Patches, Kase and Aho back soon.
  3. That call was taken to the end of garbage's driveway.
  4. I sincerely hope that asshole organization never wins anything again after that. Scum incarnate.
  5. I dunno. I have concerns about the oline and the run defense. It'd be great to be proven wrong.
  6. At this point I just hope for the oline to come together, for them to put the best possible combination of such out on the field, and we finally have that sumbitch fixed for the first time in years. Let's go Ickem!
  7. Isn't Corral rather raw and needs development? Please, let's learn from what we did to Cam...let's make sure we have a good oline built first and then see what the kid has.
  8. At this point he is psychologically irredeemable imo. Too traumatized.
  9. Pitiful showing. Trouba is dirtier than Halliburton. The offense and power play need serious revamping.
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