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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. He probably will not see the field again in a Panthers uniform. Tepper will eat the $$ and move on. That last shot of Teppers face during the Patriots game said it all. Feel bad for Sam, but that millions of dollars sitting in his bank account will stop the pain.
  2. That guy is so far up Trumps rectum and relishes the conspiracy theory bullsh%t 100%. Besides being a cheerleader for the far right and the 'Q'crowd he is obnoxious, he uses his evangelical Christian beliefs as a soap box. Last place I want see this fug face is on the Huddle. Fug him
  3. Really isn't rocket science. All the QB's behind sh%tty lines always are decisive and get rid of the ball quickly to nullify the pass rush. Sam is a second slow in this area, panics, and throws the bad pass. Can this be fixed... doesn't seem so.
  4. One good coached game doesn't make a season. I'll wait and see how they handle CMC and Cam moving foward. Also if the play calling continues to maximize the potential. Credit for a great game Sunday.
  5. The man is a force on this defense. He will probably get multiple offers and for high $$$ money to jump ship. I would think he his definitely worth the tag if we can't resign him this season or the off season. Don't let the top talent walk if possible. Defense needs his talent to stay elite. Yes/no?
  6. First....will Sam ever see the field again as a Panther Second....should they keep the QB rotation going foward if P.J keeps it under control and plays well Third....should they designate Cam as the starter regardless of what P.J does What u got
  7. I'm sick of hearing Vilma's....shut the pie hole already
  8. He is ok.....ball security and a few yards after the catch. We have had much worse.
  9. If I was in his shoes, I would retire. A millionaire while in your twenties and his whole life in front of him. Nothing to be ashamed off. He had an opportunity to play in the NFL and now it is time to move on.
  10. Just make sure P.J has his roller skates on and shot gun formations I guess.
  11. Got a feeling that the guys who pushed hard for the Jets deal are now sitting in the back of the bus.
  12. Don't trust that fat little bearded man....live and learn.
  13. Was it the state of the QB situation? Was it the fan base jumping ship? Did Tepper over ride Rhule and make the decision? What is your gut feelings on this? After getting fleeced by the Jets, they are back to square one. The photo of Cam and Tepper is something else (like best buddies.) Don't see Rhule anywhere around. What do u think was the motivation to do this?
  14. Must admit I missed Cam even with all his oddities. That 2015 year was magical and he really gave a spark to this franchise. Hope they sign him and give him a chance. He has experience behind our sh%tty Olines. He was great for the community in many ways. Make it happen Tepper.
  15. Tepper has been playing with $$$ his whole career. Move it around and gamble on the outcome. He knows how to make a buck and his hedge fund business made him billions. I don't see him sticking with a mistake because he overpaid. Fact is, his next moves are totally unpredictable at this point. He may just say fug it and fire everyone next season and start over.
  16. Everyone thought once the old man sold the team that the troubles would be over. It never occured to anyone that the new regime could be as bad or worse then the previous one. Tepper has money to burn. This is a hobby for him and his ego feeds the beast. These contracts are just chump change for him. He could just resell the team and walk away and recoup most of his investment. The grass isn't always greener as they say.
  17. Seems this staff does things that don't make much sense personal wise.....very confusing bunch we have here.
  18. Bottom five??....how about the bottom of the bottom. I am convinced that many college Olines are better then what they put on the field. Fuggin inept staff knew exactly what Sam had been through previosly. They put him in exactly the same scenerio that he had failed in.
  19. Sam has been given a sh%t sandwich since he was drafted. First with the lousy Jets Oline and recievers, and now with this high school Oline and recievers that can't hold on to the ball. If I was him I would take my money and get the fug outta dodge. Sure he is "seeing ghosts". So would anyone after these two teams put him in bad situations. He is doing the best he can and that is all you can ask.
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