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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. Hubbard and CMC will be a good duo if the former can stay on the field.
  2. Every fuggin Panthers game is boring as hell.....coma inducing.
  3. Yes he does. Well else was he ever going to make this kind of $$$ in football without a NFL resume? He knows he found his sugar daddy in Tepper.
  4. With this oline he wouldn't last two games.....on the PUP list in the blink of an eye.
  5. As this sh%tshow rolls along, the fans are disppearing (whatever fan base existed.) The team always had problems with out of town fans buying tickets to support various teams (mostly Steelers and Washington fans.) The corporations buy the boxes and the best PSL's to give to clients. The average Joe may have a PSL for his family and may be struggling to justify the expense. Between the 'vid and the hell of a broken economy of 2019, 2020 on into 2021, many more important things to spend the $$ on. Curious how many PSL holders are re-considering giving them up next season. How many who buy a few game tickets a season will rethink the purchase. Just feels like the whole atmosphere is going down the sh%tter fast. A few of the wine and cheese crowd with disposable income will still go just to sit on their hands.
  6. Ernest Bumfugg heard from Helen Bed who heard it from Art Lippshitz that Rhule might be leaving...
  7. It seems that Tepper considers owning an NFL franchise a ego thing and more of a hobby then actual dedication to the franchise. When you have the kind of jack he has, it can be easy come easy go. What vested interest did he actually have in N.C.? This place just happened to have a franchise needing new ownership due to J.R.'s fugup.
  8. Dont' owe fans sh%t. We don't sign the checks or are invested anyway in the franchise, unlike the Packers. If you want to spend your $$ on tickets and merchandise it's on you. They owe us nothing
  9. Joey B. was saved by five elite players on LSU in 2019. Coach O was saved also. Once they left, the sh%t hit the fan
  10. Point I was trying to make is that guy has had those ACL problems and that is not a small injury. Playing behind another lousy line would up the ante for a third.
  11. Behind a sh%t line in Houston, he got tore up. Cam got beat to sh%t with the "quality' Oline he had. Keep that in mind when you throw him behind the clown show the Panthers have. If they go all in for him, they better have some $$ left to fix the sh%tshow here ASAP.
  12. Fine...then its time for this team to sh%t or get off the pot. You want Watson, then find some way to flush the oline (minus Molton) and restock the shelves. No more turning a bind eye.
  13. I don't care who the fug they sign as QB. This team is going NOWHERE with the Oline they put on the field season after season. This year, next year, or five years from now. Putting the horse before the cart for how many seasons now? They still can't understand that the front five on the Oline is what oils the engine. Don't know what the fug it will take to get that message across. They persist in ignoring the most important cog on any offense besides the QB.
  14. They will be sitting on their sofas like the rest of us come the playoffs
  15. Anyone that can stand on two feet and isn't cripple is better then what put out there on Sundays.
  16. You can't have a good defense if they are on the field 3/4 of the game. Even the 85' bears would be sucking wind by the 4th qtr with this offense.
  17. He signed this guy to a seven year deal for high $$$$. I know Tepper has the bucks, but having to buy this guy out to get rid of him will cost big money... plus a shot to his ego. I'm sure Tepper isn't used to losing in business. To lose with a lousy team and then to have to pay out the ass to can the guy you raved about that put the team together.....is real kick in the nutz. Hope he learns something from this fiasco. But probably not....
  18. He isn't dealing with kids just out of high school in the NFL. Those pimply faced kids might have bought his rah-rah style of coaching and the excitement of being in a college program. The men in the NFL locker rooms don't buy that crap. They will easily tell him to fug off with that noise.
  19. If the choice was yours, throw out a name that would be "the guy"? And if the shitshow continues would it still be the same if M.R is poo canned?
  20. Just a hobby for him I guess. He owns an NFL team so he is in the big leagues now. When u have the kind of scratch he has its easy come easy go.
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