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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. Another 3 FG game upcoming... that's the whole fuggin offense as usual.
  2. The Panthers bend over and kiss their asses goodbye. This mess can't be rectified in one season (maybe not even three or four). Accept the fact that they have dug themselves a hole that even Teppers money can't fix quick. More terrible seasons on the horizon.... Buckle up.
  3. You have no choice. Team is in shambles right now and will be for the foreseeable future. As one head coach said years ago: "It is what it is".
  4. Flush it all down the toilet. Only 3 or 4 guys are worth keeping. Flush the coaching staff and GM. I guess the jury is still out on Young, but honestly it doesn't look promising. Better they do the flushing now instead of waiting. Bring in a director of football operations and hand him the keys. The Teppers need to take a long hiatus, maybe buy an island in the Bahamas and let football people handle the show.
  5. Truth is Darnold has much more physical talent then Bryce. He was ruined by the Jets and the sh%tty Oline they had. Bryce may be a "football genius" (according to some), but that doesn't get the job done on the field.
  6. Loud and proud..... What a fuggin mess
  7. He is not a franchise QB. He has to many physical limitations. Try and sugar coat it all you want. He may be a halfway decent starter one day, but you can't built your team around him. Being a decent starter is not what they drafted him for.
  8. Give me Wilks, Donald, and Foreman back. They would have won at least 6 or 7 games (maybe more). This turd they call a football team is unwatchable. And Bryce isn't a franchise QB.
  9. Wait untill the divorce happens and they haggle over the team. Wonder if DT has it it in legal documents concerning owner ship. That will be a fuggin mess.
  10. He is the Teppers choice.......take from that what you may
  11. Let's see.....Bryce can't play under center, can't do a QB sneak, can't throw long, has bad foot work, has bad pocket awareness.... what exactly can he do well at a NFL level?
  12. Hundred dollar bills taped to the bedroom ceiling for inspiration .....
  13. Think you may be correct. Young has shown nothing. Don't know how long they hang their hat on this QB.
  14. Maybe Tepper should take some of the football classes that Nicole took........jeeeeez
  15. Forget it, why even bother. Just move him before it happens again. I actually think it's over for him in Carolina.
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