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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. If we lose this one....the chances of us winning 12 straight are zero...in fact if we win this game...chances of us winning 12 straight are almost zero.I'll take one win at a time thank you.
  2. This is always like Peyton Place with this team.Just go the hell out there and win the damn game. Doesnt matter about Beason or RR on the hot seat in the big picture. They are big boys and should have the mental and emotional fortitude to kick ass when the bell rings.Leave all the excuses in the locker room guys,cause if not then most of you will be down the road with RR next year. So do your damn jobs.
  3. This should be motivation enough to light a fire under their asses.They need to post this on every locker.lets see what this team is actually made of.
  4. How about some positive Karma for our team to help them shake off the negative funk.
  5. We have half a team on both sides of the ball.I won't explain cause all panther fans know exactly what I mean. I an hoping that we somehow pull off a win Sunday, but with the our talent and injuries I am trying to fiqure out how we can accomplish this.
  6. this game will tell us if the 2013 version have the balls to bounce back and do what needs to be done.
  7. this game will tell us if the 2013 version have the balls to bounce back and do what needs to be done.
  8. Can't wait to hear the after game bull crap.....same ole same ole
  9. Fug it.....honestly I am numb from this team......same crap every year
  10. We are not very good in many ways...good in some...piss poor in others.....not ready for primetime boys.....
  11. Wouldn't it be wonderful if our team came out and proved all the talking heads and naysayers wrong for once. ESPN and NFL network would go dark for a bit as they all try to pull collective head out ass and have to actually cover the Panthers in a positive light.Then go right back to wringing hands over the Reverend The Golden Calf of Bristol and the end of the world as they know it cause he be out of football.
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